Chapter 1:

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"We are the baddest!" I snapped, as I walked through the backyards with my squad. Alien Flower, Stuffy, and Ghost Flower. I'm Vampire Flower, the cutest of all the Sunflowers. I'm the only one with a red and white skirt along with a collar and red bat wings. Plus my eyes are pink, and I'm that fabulous.
You see, ever since we won the battle for Zomburbia we all decided to lie low for now. We took a break from fighting zombies, well the Sunflower Squad did!
"Vampire Flower help me!" A Peashooter screamed at me, he was ugly with some afro hairstyle and a gold necklace around his stem. He was so gross, and he was like: "I'm dying, I need health!"
And I was like: "No way!"
Then he died, the All-star ripped him apart and I flew away with my bat wings.
How dare he! Then I got away and I shot the All-star down, and I flew away from the area.
"Girrrrrrl." Alien Flower sighed. "HOW COULD YOU?!"
She was so shocked, out of all of us she was the nicest. And I was beginning to wonder why she was even a part of my squad!
"This squad is for bad Sunflowers only!" I snapped at her, I rolled my head and snapped my fingers in the "S" formation when I told her. "Now are you a bad plant, or aren't you? Because if you aren't, you can make your way out of my closet! And hang out with the other lame plants. The ones who fight, and get their petals dirty."
"I'm sorry Vampire Flower." Alien Flower smirked, and then she got on the ground and she kissed my white petal feet.
Because I'm the baddest! And everyone listens to me.
"Wow V," Ghost Flower said, (my nickname is V) she was so slow in her speech and so dumb too. Her complexion was greenish gray, like you could see through her! But the petals around her head was so long, like longer than Alien Flower's. They were cute because they looked like ghost tails and flowed around slowly. But she was so green and pale, I had to spicen her up.
With pollen! We made her so cute, with a blushed up face and colored her abnormally huge black eyes with even more black crayons.
Then I looked at Stuffy, and she was so fake. But she was so cute! She had to be a part of my squad.
She was missing her eyes and she did whatever I told her.
"Go get me some water!" I yelled, and she would be like:
"Yasss." Then she would get up and walk into a wall and I would get mad because she couldn't see where she was going.
"Hunty!" I sassed at her. "How are you ever gonna be on my level if you can't get me water?"
"I'm sorry." Stuffy pleaded. "I just can't see. Everything is black!"
"Tsk tsk." I shook my fingers. "Did I just catch an attitude? Because the last time I checked I didn't ask what you saw, I just asked for you to get me water."
"This is ridiculous!" Alien Flower asked.
"The door!" I rolled my head to look at her and I pointed to the door. "And if you can't see like Stuffy, I'll gladly point you the way! Because you know why? Because I'm that nice, but I won't be when your heads through the glass!"
Alien Flower signed, and I rolled my eyes. She wasn't going to leave, she said a lot of things like that butbshe never followed through.
Suddenly, there was a scream outside.
"Girls!" I yelled, and we all got up and strutted outside, but Stuffy walked into another wall.
We walked down the pathway, with a bunch of other plants coming out of their homes. There was someone on the floor, a Peashooter.
He was laying in the floor, with water leaking out of his stem.
"OMG ahhhhhh!" I screamed, and I ran over and threw myself by his side.
Then I pushed him over and pulled off the wig. "So this is where my purple wig wENT!"
I put a lot of emphasis on my words in case you didn't know. But I looked around and everyone was checking me out. I know I was super cute, but like legit. They need to get their own life.
Even Druid Rose was checking me out, and I could sense her negative vibes on me me through her ugly wooden mask. She tried joining my Sunflower squad like years ago and I was like:
"But how come?" She asked in an annoyingly slow voice. She sounded like a man, with a deep voice.
"Because this is the Sunflower Squad." I looked her up and down. "Last time I checked, you're a Rose. Roses aren't allowed!"
Then she flew out my closet, and I never saw her again until tonight.
"He's dead!" A Citron yelled at me, and I raised a hand.
"Excuse me?" I got up from the floor. "Who cares if he's dead? Why should any of us care about a thief?"
I waved my wig in the Citrons face, he was bald and ugly.
"Because we're plants." He said. "We need to care for each other."
"You need to care about my opinions." I told him. "Because I'm a Suburbian, and what I say is important."
He rolled his eyes, and he was about to speak again, until I threw the wig on his head. "You need that more than me."
Then I walked off, and my squad snapped their hands at the haters.
"I finally made it!" Stuffy yelled, as she was running down a different pathway.
"COME ON STUFFY WE'RE LEAVING!" I yelled as I led my squad in a single file line.

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