Chapter 7:

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"Wake up!" Cleo yelled at me, and I was shaken awake. Like really? I wasn't even in the mood for this, I told the squad that I was going to be sleeping for like a while on my beach chair. It was a beach chair I got like a super long time ago, and I like shot these zombies for it because I just had to make it mine.
"BBQ's orders." Cleo was shaking her head at me.
"Umm," I began. "Tell me, Cleo, is he the one who's in charge of my squad?"
"Well I mean he is the only plant here that -"
"Correction he's a fruit."
"Vegetable..." Cleo questioned.
"Don't even argue with me," I snapped. "He's a fruit. Everyone who's smart knows that."
"What's going on?" Bbq asked as he marched towards us.
"I heard you were trying to wake me up." I swung my petals over the side of the beach chair and glared at him.
"Yeah." He smirked. "I did, because it's dark out, and we need to make sure that those browncoats don't get any closer to the backyard."
"Ok great then get rid of them." I smacked my lips.
"You need to help us!" Cleo shouted, but Bbq just shook his head.
"We'll be fine, we have the others." Then he rolled his eyes at me and they turned away to shoot. I can't believe they almost tried to have me feeling some type of way. I threw that anger away so quick when they walked away, and then I layed back down on the chair and glanced up at the night sky as there were popping noises and cars honking in the distance. There was just so much noise I don't think I was going to be able to get any amount of sleep like this.
"First wave over!" Bbq yelled, and my squad cheered him on. I was hating the recognition he was getting.
"Stuffy!" I growled.
"Yes V." She smiled at me, as she tripped over some roots and landed on the rim of my beach chair.
"I need you to go over to the Zompark and get me some water. Think you can do that?"
"Of course I can!" She yelled. "But does it have to be from there? I mean it's so far, and I don't wanna go by myself."
"Sweety." I smirked. "It's all about strength, and discipline. Because I'm thirsty. Because when the sun comes up and I look to the backyard in awe that we made it, I can say that I'm the best."
"I don't know what part of that made any sense, but I'll do it!"
Then she skipped off in the wrong direction, but I wasn't even going to stop her.
"Where is Stuffy going?" Cleo asked, there was anger in her voice and I was feeling so attacked right now.
"She went to get me a drink." I answered.
"She can't see why would you send her?"
"Because she's so much more use to me than any of you morons. I think you're just jealous that a blind flower looks better and does better than you."
"I'm over this." Cleo threw her hands up.
"What's wrong?" Mystic appeared, and she pulled Cleo into an embrace. Then everyone started to walk up, and Bbq was shaking his head again.
"We need to get along!" He mouthed as Cleo was complaining about me, and everyone seemed to be so angry. If only Stuffy was here, she'd be the one to completely understand me. All I heard was the muffled voices of everyone screaming and whining at each other and the angry faces.
"Stahhhp!" I yelled, and there was a crashing noise in the distance. A missile came out of nowhere and crashed into the back of Bbq's neck.
"Ahhh!" He groaned, as the corns all over his head and hands started to pop and shoot in all directions.
The girls and I screamed, as he was exploding all over the place and a hoard of zombies was running towards us in the distance.
I was getting ready to run, until Bbq collapsed on the ground and Cleo mentioned that we couldn't just leave him.
"Yes we can!" I snapped. "Follow me girls! I know a place!"
Then I began running down the street while they carried Bbq.

AN: hey everyone sorry I haven't been writing much. I've been so busy with school since I'm going to be graduating soon but I hoped you like the chapter and I'm glad there's a lot of people enjoying it XD

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