Chapter 6:

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So I was like super upset that this was happening.
The Kernel Corns dragged me away from the stage with my squad right behind me I couldn't believe we were getting arrested.
"Get your stupid corns off of me you losers!" I shoved the BBQ Corn away from me, he had a bandana around his head and his corns on his head were reddish colored. He seemed like an angry guy.
"Sorry." He apologized. "I just need to follow orders."
"Oh I bet you do!" I snapped. "Arresting me and my Sunflower Squad so that we can do your bidding."
"Actually it was the rest of the backyards decision." He said. "But with your attitude I can see why they chose you and that squad."
I slapped him, and it felt so awesome. He snarled but then he was about to walk away.
"Well." Future Cactus walked in, she seemed pleased with the decision. And I honestly could like not believe what was going on.
"Well nothing." I pointed at her. "You set me up, like I can't even odd anymore."
"It doesn't matter now." Future Cactus said. "Your duties are your duties."
"Well what do we have to do?" Cleo stepped up.
"We just need some plants to stay outside at night to watch the entrance to the backyard."
"Simple." Cleo said.
"Simple?" I snapped. "This is pathetic, we are not slaves we don't have to do anything over night. I must get some beauty sleep."
I was beginning to walk away until I felt that BBQ Kernel Corn grab my stem and pull me back.
"Ms. Future Cactus." He began. "If it isn't any trouble, could I accompany them?"
Future Cactus eyed the Kernel Corn, and then she nodded her head.
I pulled my arms away from him and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Yeah you better keep us company." I pointed at him, and I kept my voice low. "Because I'm not dying tonight."
"I wouldn't plan on it." BBQ said, and he rolled his eyes. "But you might wanna check your attitude because maybe I might change my mind about accompanying you and the squad on the outside."
Then he started to stroll away, like he was so relaxed and he was humming a tune.
I looked at the girls.
"Girls we need a plan." I said, and I strutted before them. "A plan to keep ourselves protected against the zombies when the night begins. The only thing we have to look forward to is the day."
I looked up at the sky, and I was preparing myself for the journey of death.
I held in my tears, it was going to ruin my face.

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