Chapter 3:

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So Mr. Willy was like a really old tree, he's been here since like a really long time and he had really big eyes and a really long branch for a nose with a bird nest on it. He was so useless to the plant army because he couldn't even move.
Anyway, it was dark and everyone was sleeping. I gripped my axe tightly, and so did Ghost Flower. We were preparing to chop down Mr. Willy, because he was super old and ugly and honestly he was sleeping! So much for watching over the backyard battleground, no wonder someone snuck in and killed that thief of a Peashooter.
"Are you ready?" I asked Ghost Flower, and she nodded her head.
"Girls what are you doing?" Mr. Willy asked, he finally woke up.
"I need some paper!" I said in a slow patronizing voice, like in was talking to a seedling. "Why else would I be here old tree?"
"Please don't do this!" He screamed, and I took a swing and hit Jim right in the trunk with my axe. Then Ghost Flower did the same and Mr. Willy screamed in a long, slow, deep voice.
"Shut up!" I shouted, and I swung again.
Only a few more swings and he would be done for!
I kept swinging the axe, and suddenly Mr. Willy was toppling over and he fell on top of an approaching Stuffy.
"Pick him up!" I shouted at her, but she was crushed under the weight. I couldn't believe I was dealing with theses imbeciles. So then I looked at Ghost Flower, and then I pointed towards the tree and she ran over to help Stuffy pick up a dead Mr. Willy.
It's a good thing we had all night to get rid of the evidence before everyone woke up. So I walked back to the closet and I turned on the shredder.
It was loud, but like oh well. I think it took like an hour for Ghost and Stuffy to bring in Mr. Willy, but once they did they pushed him in the shredder, and the paper making commenced.
"Please don't do this." Mr. Willy groaned, before his face fully made it into the shredder.
"I need this." I shook my head.
"You're a murderer-" and then he got chopped up and the shredder made a roar noise and Mr. Willy was gone. So I started making the paper, and adding pretty designs to it.

The next day, after Stuffy and Ghost placed the fliers all around the backyard. I waited outside of the closet for any new sunflowers that were ready to be a part of the squad. But too many plants were over by Mr. Willy's grave and crying about how he was murdered in our sleep and that no one was going to keep watch over us. As if it mattered, he was sleeping anyway. Now he can sleep for eternity thanks to me, because I'm such a good plant.
I shook my head and fanned myself until a really tall Flower, with a wooden sunflower mask floated towards me. They set the flier in front of me and said in a really low voice.
"I'd like to be a part of the Sunflower Squad."
They sounded so familiar, and that mask was so ugly.
"Ugh." I groaned. "You aren't even that cute but I'm obviously desperate."
"But will you let me join the squad?"
"I guess I'll have to." I said, especially since she was the only sunflower willing to join because everyone was crying over Mr. Willy.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Druid Flower." She answered in the slow voice.
Ughh it reminded me of Druid Rose, bit thankfully she wasn't anywhere in sight.
"OK I'll welcome you to the squad if you bring back more members!" I commanded, and then Druid Flower nodded her head, and she floated away.
"Ughh?" Ghost began, but I held up a hand and stopped her in her tracks.
"Who do you think you are?" I asked. "Interrupting my thought process? So rude Ghost, you really need to learn about respect."
"I found you!" Stuffy screamed as she ran towards us, and tripped on a few roots in the way over. I sighed, and then I told her to get me some water. Which made her turn back around and trip over some roots again.

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