Chapter 8:

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So here I was, leading away my sqaud from a herd of zombies because I'm such a good Sunflower. I obviously just saved all of them so you better thank me for being amazing. I ran down the street, and there was this building with purple graffiti on it saying like...  I don't know, because I can't read.
I'm a Sunflower.
I think one time the other plants were trying to teach everything how to read but I was like "nope, too cute. Slayyyyyy."
And I never learned how to read.
"Oh my God there's my ex." Ghost Flower pointed at a trash can.
"Just kidding you don't have an ex." I snapped as we ran up the stairs and through the doors. I pried it open, revealing a dark room with stuff on the walls.
"Hurry losers!"
Ghost Flower ran inside, and so did Druid Flower and Mystic and CLEO who carried in Bbq. He was so ugly now that his face was all blown up from the heat. But I could see the zombies limping towards us, and I shut the door, blocked it and told everyone to head downstairs to the shooting range.
"What is this place?" Druid Flower asked, as she looked all around the room in awe.
"It's the shooting range." I answered. "Duh."
"Set me on the floor." BBQ coughed, and the two sunflowers dropped him so that his face collapsed into the ground.
"Oh my god I can't even believe you did this to us!" I snapped, and I grabbed BBQ by the back of his head and slapped him in the face repeatedly. "You almost got me and my girls killed out there!"
"Girls?" Ghost Flower questioned. "But plants don't have genders, and neither do the zombies. Can't we be boys too? Or like......."
"She's right." I said. "From now on I'm the man of this squad."
"And you're the sissy!" Ghost pointed and stuck her tongue out at Bbq.
"No!" Cleo shouted. "We're not going to demean any genders in this house not today. Men and women are both equally strong!"
"Ok but we're flowers." Mystic said. "Like can we just move on."
"You need to not." I rolled my head at her. "Anyway, get deeper into the shooting range."
"But the doors are locked." Bbq coughed.
"You have to shoot it." I replied. "If you shoot you move on to the next area."
"Easy." Cleo said, and she flipped her pan backwards and started shooting at the targets all around us. The door opened up and then we all ran through. I flew down gently to the bottom while everyone fell to the floor.
"Ow!" Everyone yelped, as I blessed the floor with my petals and commanded the others to shoot the remaining targets.
"But why us?" Mystic questioned.
"Because honey." I started. "I saved you all from the kindness of my heart. If it wasn't for me knowing a place you would've been stuck outside and attacked by zombies."
Cleo patted Mystics head and they both ended up shooting the remaining targets while the next door slid from the ceiling with a Scientist zombie sliding from the cracks.
"Brainzz." It spoke.
I screamed! I can't even. "Shoot him omg!"
Everyone started shooting at him while he shot at us. I saw a blast of chemicals flying towards me until Druid Flower jumped in my way, and everything happened in slow motion. The chemicals knocked into her, causing her face to fly off and fall to the ground.
"Ahhhhh!" I screamed, as Druid Flower collapsed to the floor with her sunflower face lying right next to her.
Cleo shot the scientist and he did a backflip and rested on the ground.
"Druid are you OK?" Mystic asked, as she ran up and fell to the floor right next to her.
"I'm fine." Druid Flower replied.
"But what happened to your face?" I questioned. "It fell off."
She looked up at me, and I gasped. Omg she wasn't even a sunflower, she was.... a Rose!
"You lied to me!" I slapped her. "Only sunflowers are allowed into my squad, and you deceived my trust!"
"Are you serious?" Cleo questioned. "Anyone could see that the mask was fake and there's no such thing as a Druid Sunflower."
I held up, and pointed at the sunflower masked. "Show me where I asked for your opinion."
"Girls the door is closing!" Ghost yelled, and I looked.
"Come on everyone!" I screamed, and we all ran for the door. I slid under the door with the rest of the others as the Rose started floating her way towards me. I was so disgusted, she betrayed me.
I could see the scientist getting back up from the floor anad right before the door closed, I pushed the Rose back into the room as the door divided her from us.
"V you snob!" Cleo and Mystic yelled at me.
"Stahhhp!" Ghost defended me. "She always has our best interests at heart."
"How could you leave her in there?"
"Don't worry." I said. "I took her wand, so we all have extra protection."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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