Chapter 2:

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So I can't even anymore, everyone was giving me the ugliest looks I've ever seen. But it's ok, you know why? Because haters are my motivators, and I wasn't going to have any of this bull manure!
I strutted back into my closet with the squad behind me and I glanced back to see that Alien Flower was out of formation.
Stupid girl!
Her petals weren't even aligned with mine or Ghost Flowers.
I was so free-KING upset.
"Ugh!" I yelled at her, and I stopped the single file line, pushed Ghost out of the way and looked dead into Alien Flowers eyes. She had super big eyes, like an alien duh. I shook my head at her and she knew.
"I'm sorry!" She cried, the tears were building up.
That's how good I am. Did you see, how she apologized to me and I didn't even start bickering yet.
"Oh you are sorry!" I rolled my head. "You know why? Because this is the 106th time you've been apologizing to me for things you should've had in check before you joined the Sunflower Squad!" I turned back around and sat down on the ripped up couch. Ghost Flower was staring at the both of us while Alien Flower had tears coming out of her eyes.
"I'm just not having a good day!" She shouted. "It doesn't make it any better when one of our own was murdered!"
"Stop making this about you!" I shouted. "I'm sick of the attitude Alien Flower. You're always so negative and inconsiderate! This isn't what my Squad is going to be about. I'm sorry but you need to leave."
I was pointing at the door, and Alien Flower looked back and forth between me and the threshold. Then she made her way to the door but she added.
"Please forgive me!" And she got on the floor and started kissing my feet again.
I was looking at the petals on my hands, and I rolled my eyes. I kicked her over and then I looked dead at her in the face.
"There's only one thing you can do that will make me forgive you!" I told her. "I need you to sneak out of the backyard battlegrounds and infiltrate the zombies city. Find the murderer and tell me! So I can tell everyone else and get credit for stopping the killer."
Then I turned my back on her.
"But V," Alien Flower cried. "Thats scary and it's dark!"
"I don't care Alien Flower!" I snapped at her. "Did you care when you stepped out of formation?"
"I said I was sorry!"
"But sorry isn't enough! Now go and find the killer, and when you do then I'll talk to you."
Alien Flower pouted and then she stomped out of the closet, right as Stuffy was walking in with her hand on the walls.
"I followed the sound of your voice, V!" She smiled, and she made her way to sit on the couch.
"Good." I said. "You're gonna have to keep doing that Stuffy, you know why?"
"Because we're going out!" I yelled. "Come on Ghost we're leaving!"
Then I led my squad, and Ghost followed me inna single file line as we walked outside the closet. We needed to be back tomorrow before the sun came up, because a lot of plants like to do shopping and walk into MY closet and take MY clothes. It can't happen, that's why during the day, I regulate what people take by saying yes or no.
These plants are lucky I'm such a nice Sunflower, because I don't need to let them get MY clothes. I'm too cute for any of this. I've been so generous to them, I'm like a queen.
"Right Ghost Flower?"
"Uhh huh?"
She didn't know what I asked, dummy. See? I'm surrounded by a bunch of morons. Morons who get killed in our very own backyard battleground, and I could see Alien Flower walking out of the front gates. Then Ghost and I walked to the top of the balcony and watched as she walked down the park and towards the dark zombie city all the way in the distance where all those zombies were.
"So what are we going to do about our squad?" Ghost asked.
"Oh I don't know!" I shouted as I turned to look at her, and as I did I could see Stuffy walking into more trees from afar.
So stupid!
Then I came up with the cutest and baddest idea ever! The best idea that anyone's ever had since world war 2. I was going to start accepting new squad members into the Sunflower Squad, especially since there's a murderer on the loose and the bigger my squad is the more protected I'll be. Because there'll be so many sunflowers, the killer won't know which one to kill. And maybe they'll like kill Alien Flower or someone, but not me because I'll have so many of these minions surrounding me. Ill walk in the middle of the circle and fly away with my wings when something bad happens.
"I'm so smart." I smirked, and Ghost Flower gaped at me.
"What happened?"
"My idea stupid!" I shouted. "We're gonna start accepting applications for new Sunflower Squad members. But we're going to need paper."
"How do we get paper?" She asked me, and I pulled out some convenient axes that were in the box next to me.
"We're going to cut down Mr. Willy." I told her.
"But Mr. Willy watches over the backyard." Ghost Flower said, and to be honest I was getting so sick if her two sense. Since when did she think she was Alien Flower, because the last time I checked she wasn't!
I hand her an axe. "I hope you know where your priorities lie, and what is the most important decision to make right now! Because Mr. Willy watching over the backyard and warning us of threats isn't nearly as important as us cutting him down to make fliers so we can have more squad members to protect me!"
Ghost Flower was nodding her head, and she smiled at me.
"I'm in."
"I'm glad you are." I smirked, and then I handed an axe to an approaching Stuffy as she grinned and dawdled towards us.
"I hear you." She giggled, and she held the axe until she toppled over the balcony and fell onto the opposite side of the backyard battleground.

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