Chapter 5:

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Little did I know that that Cactus was the plants representative. I hated her, she thought she was so much better. Her name was... Future Cactus, and she was large and in charge with her metallic face.
"Get off of her Stuffy that's not me!" I shouted, and I beckoned Stuffy to come my way.
Even though she was blind.
"Ohhh." Stuffy sighed, as she pulled away from her embrace with Future Cactus. "No wonder I felt like I was being stabbed all over."
Future Cactus rolled her eyes, and then grabbed Stuffy by the head and moved her over.
"Girls I'm glad I ran into you." She said. "I was just about to host a meeting for all of the plants to attend to."
"Us?" I gestured to my squad, and I rolled my head. "Do you KNOW who we are?"
"The Sunflower Squad?" Future Cactus sighed. "I've heard plenty of things about this squad, and how it's demeaning to all young Sunflowers in this backyard."
"Step up!" Ghost Flower smacked the air.
"Anyway," Cactus rolled her eyes. "Join us, because we have to go over an important decision."
"Fine." I sassed. "Ill be there when I get there."
Then Future Cactus marched away and I almost blew up.
How dare she try to make me and my squad go to her stupid meeting.
I turned around and looked at my squad. Everyone was checking me out like they should, except for Stuffy who was kicking at the ground.
"Girls!" I shouted. "We were just invited to go to a meeting."
I strutted before them.
"What are we going to do?" Ghost asked.
"Duh we're gonna vote." I rolled my head, and then I said. "Now all in favor of going, raise your hand."
Suddenly Mystic, Cleo and even Stuffy raised their hands omg.
"In favor of not going." Ghost added and me Ghost and Druid Flower raised our hand.
"It's a tie!" I shout, "it looks like we aren't going."
I threw my hands up and I was about to go back to my closet.
"But this is our chance!" Mystic said. "To grow and get closer. We should definitely go to the meeting because we need to know how to protect ourselves from these murders!"
"Someone killed a Peashooter and Mr. Willy last night." Cleo added, as she gestured towards the last place where Mr. Willy once stood. Until I chopped him down.
Ghost Flower smirked, and she knew I knew that she knew that I knew that she knew that I knew that she knew that we both killed Mr. Willy. And no one can know that we killed him.
"I know who did it!" Stuffy yelled, and I picked up a branch and threw it at her causing her to fall back and onto the ground.
"Look if you guys wanna go then go!" I shouted at them, and they followed me as I stomped back to the closet. I threw my hands around my head and screamed at the top of my stem.
"We're going together!" Mystic yelled, and I shook my head.
Omg I can't like believe that like everything around me was falling apart and that I was losing my grip over my squad.
I was tearing up, even Stuffy almost gave me away. That blind son of a bull manure knew that we killed Mr. Willy. I sat down on the dirt, and let my skirt puddle around me, then I slapped the ground and let out a long moan.
"Booooohoooooo!" I said, and everyone was patting me on the back.
"Don't cry!" Mystic said, and she was patting my back as she sat on the ground next to me.
"Please." Cleo agreed, but she was standing behind Mystic and I. "Look, you may not be the nicest. And a lot of plants here don't like you, but a lot this can change V. You have to want to change."
"You're right." I sobbed, and I wiped my face. "I need to start tightening my grip on the squad, and soon the whole backyard so that everyone will love me and listen to me. And you know what? I have a terrific idea. One I came up with all by myself squad!" I got up like a giddy dandelion, and I lifted up Mystic from the floor. My entire squad was smiling at me and I was so excited.
"Squad," I started. "We're going to go to the meeting!"
I heard everyone sigh for a moment, then I started formation and led the way to the meeting. But Stuffy was walking around on the top of the balcony, but she would catch up later like she always did.

At the meeting, all the plants were gathered around and the backyard leaders were in the front.
They thought they were important, with their statuses so I lead my squad to the front too, and we stood up on the balcony with the lamo loser leaders.
Me and my squad stood side by side and I glanced over at Future Cactus as she made her way to the mic and started to speak up.
"Dear everyone in our backyard." She started. "I have sad news to bring about the unfortunate deaths of the Peashooter and Mr. Willy. But we need reinforcements, we need to get plants on the outskirts again to protect each other. At night, we're going to need to get a group of plants to guard the outside. Do we have any volunteers?"
It was quiet, and I looked down upon the loser group of planet as they stood on the floor before me. But soon, everyone started pointing in my direction.
"All are in favor for the Sunflower Squad." Future Cactus stated.
"No!" I spat. "I will not! Right girls?"
And I looked at my squad, they were all nodding their heads. Something we all finally agreed on.
"Get the loser Chompers!" Ghost screamed, and then she jumped off of the balcony and into the throng of plants as they chanted "Sunflower Squad!"
"Over my hot dead body!" I screamed, and soon there was a long scream coming from above and it was Stuffy running along one of the branches screaming.
"Don't worry V, I won't let them have us!" And then she fell off the branch and crashed into the throng while the Kernel Corns were arresting me and the rest of my squad.

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