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My OC is named Ace. She has wicked aim...for a 15 year old. You know how Hawkeye has his arrows? Ace has her cards. Ice cards,exploding cards, ooze cards. Yeah...they have been in some STICKY situations. Ahoho ahaha aho aho lmao.

I view the boys as this (age wise)
Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico are 25.
Private is 17
King Julien is 23
Maurice 50
Mort 10 I guess...he acts like he's 8, 10.
Marlene 25

This fanfic is gonna be weird as fuck. Oh well.

Now, more about Ace
Age: 15
Skills: fighter, artist, the cards (*dramatic music*)
Attire: black. She loves black and white also, I stayed with the penguin look, if that makes sense. Eh, I would make her match the boys, but, shes 15. What are you gonna do?
Shirt: plain black t-shirt with white sleeves.
Pants: black skinny jeans.
Shoes: black high tops with the ends of the pants tucked in. The shoes a loose around the top. (Meaning there is space between the shin (I think) and the top part of the high tops)
Hands: fingerless black gloves
Neck: white tie. Loosely around her neck
Hair: shoulder length, ridged ends, black with one stripe of white over the bangs (which are the length of the hair. That's how my hair is. Except mines brown..but my bangs are the length of my hair. I haven't cut them since 4th grade.)

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
She respects Skipper. She would follow his orders to the end. There relationship is like his with Privates. Of course being the youngest, the boys are constantly worried. But not as much as Kowalski.

She and him are tight. She enjoys when his inventions go haywire and almost kill her and the boys. Since she can't go out onto the field that much, she likes it when things go wrong with the machines. She always cheers him up when Doris rejects him. She doesn't even like Doris. Maybe it's jealousy...Ace: I WILL END YOU AUTHOR! WTF! Okay! Okay! It's not jealousy, its the fact that she has broken his heart more times than she could count.

Little sister and big brother. This is what would describe their relationship. Although she likes to joke about his Lunacorn, she loves him like family. And she knows what it's like to have a special toy. Hers being a ragdoll bunny with stiched X's for eyes and no mouth. The thing gives Private the creeps, but he would save it from a rabid animal just for Ace. He is also over protective of her. Yep, sweet Private is over protective.

Best. Friends. They both love destruction. They constantly destroy the park, but she knows when to cut Rico off so he doesn't go...crazy. Well, more crazy. She and "Dolly" get along. (I am making Dolly a human, well, robot. Also, I am making her what I envision. A stuck up, to perky, annoying plastic girl, who wears to much make up. Yeah, I hate dolls. Oh well.) But that is just for Rico's sake. If he and her "broke up," Ace would have no problem sticking a card in the back of her neck, making her head explode. But until then, she and the walking toaster get along.

Get along pretty well. They never argue. And do agree that the King, is pretty selfish and annoying.

King Julien
She finds him annoying and selfish but she has to admit, he is a fun party guy. She normally goes over to the lemur place to annoy Skipper. But it soon turns into a full blown dance party.

She finds him weird, but pities him because of how the king treats him. He's an alright dude at times. Little brother even.

Growing up around the penguins, caused her to not be logical and jump to conclusions. So, when Marlene wants to do things logically, she says "nonsense! This is (enter whatever thing is happening that time)" and follows Skippers instructions. But, she does like it when Marlene goes nuts and attacks people.

(In this fanfic, the penguins, Marlene, well, the whole zoo is a small town somewhere in New York and Alice is the police officer. So are the other zookeepers.) She hates her. Yeah. She constantly causes trouble just to make Alice's job harder.

E n e m i e s
Dr. Blowhole
The Red Squirrels
Stacy -OC-
Stacy and Ace go way back. She is an annoying cat that has been Ace's arch nemesis since they were 10. It all started when Stacy tripped Ace in front of everyone. (My first episode I guess, will be about Ace and Stacy.)

Hmm, well, lmao. Even created relationships between the others. Yes, well, anyways, the Zoo is a small town on the outskirts of New York. Alice and the other zookeepers are the officers and stuff. Each of the homes are like the habitats that belong to the animals. The penguins is an igloo like house. Inside looks normal, but below is the HQ. Yeah, well I hope you will like this. Goodbye.

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