E3: Skippet and The Secret ^Edited^

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A/N: I'm taking away the cards. They will be in some episodes but not all. I don't know why, but I just don't want them in the story anymore. Well, not anymore, but just not that much.
"Well, that just happened." I said. The boys and I stare in shock as Skipper, well, Skippet, walked out of here. Just because of some gender thing. I don't even know how this happened. Something about a DNA test taken and now, I have no clue. "Well, what do we do?" I ask. The boys shrugged. "Panic?" Private suggest. A moment past then we started to panic.

It was cut short due to the screams of the lemurs being heard. "Skipper or no, we need to help!" Kowalski said. We ran towards the lemurs home to see the three being cornered by five sparkplugs. "How? Just. How?" I asked. "I have no idea." Kowalski said. "What do we do?" Private asked. We shrugged. In a blink of an eye we were all down there screaming. "Skipper!" Private yelled, directing our attention to the man... she-man. "Skipper, you have to do something!" Marlene yelled. She went on about something about girl power. "Pretty, pink, bows!" Skipper yelled as he took the bow and whipped it at the wires. He pulled it back and the wires were yanked away from us.

He tired them up and smiled victoriously. "Yeah you go girlfriend!" Marlene joked.
When we got home, Kowalski was examining the machine. It started making some noises and finished. A plus was there instead of a minus. "It must have shorted out, but I don't understand! How could this have happened?" Kowalski asked himself. "Eh, who cares. Just be glad that Skippers identity crisis is over." I joked. Skipper put me in a headlock and laughed. I laughed too.
It was later and I was in my bunk playing with Killer. A 15 year old is playing with a stuffed animal, it's completely normal. Just ask Private.

As I was tossing her up and catching her, I heard Dolly talking. I snuck over to the shared room of Dolly and Rico and pressed record on my watch. I held my wrist up to the gap between the door and the door frame. "Ugh, how much longer Hansy? Pretending to like these penguins is boring. Especially liking Rico. Ugh. The guy is a slob! And weird." Dolly said, complaining about my big brother. Alright, enough! I yelled in my head. After three more minutes, I finally had enough proof to prove what a little liar she is. Her can is about to be kicked.

I ran into the Operation Room and went over to picture of me and the boys. I slid it down and the table top flipped over and the board switched. Showing everything I've collected these past two months. "I finally got ya!" I yelled victoriously. I uploaded the conversation. When I turned around I saw the boys looking around at my work. Minus Rico. I had him take the princess out for a walk. I shut the door and locked it. The boys were in their seats. "Boys! What I am about to reveal to you could be very, shocking." I said, breaking the silence. "What is this?" Private asked, looking at the call log in the past few days. "Good question. Alright, so Hans didn't get time out for good behavior." I said. "Well duh. What's the important stuff?" Skipper demanded.

I pressed play on the screen and the conversation that I heard when Hans escaped and almost kidnapped me. The boys looked shocked. I then played the conversations that have happened these past few weeks. The boys continued their shocked expressions. Then finally I played the one I just recorded. "Kowalski, analysis." Skipper ordered. "It appears that Dolly has been playing us like cards." Kowalski replied. I nodded. "Does, Rico know?" Private asked. I shook my head no. "As far as I know, no. But we can't tell him. Yet." I said fastly.

"Like hell we aren't. This is our brother. If it was me, I would want to know." Skipper said, standing up. I nodded. "We're home!" I heard Dolly sing. I ran over to the picture and slid it down again, which returned the room to normal. I sat down at the table as did Private and Skipper after unlocking the door. "In here!" Kowalski yelled. "Alright, so, we move in here, but of course if the Danes see that coming, then we move over here!" Skipper said, pointing randomly at a map. "But Skipper, what if they know and surround us?" Private asked, playing along with this cover up. "Well, then young Private, we fight until we can't fight no more." Skipper replied. "Meeting adjourn!" Skipper said, signaling us off.

We all walked out of the room acting normal. I went to the kitchen to get the rest of the cheeseburger I got yesterday. I sat on the counter and ate the sandwich, that's when the enemy walked in. "Hello Ace." She said casually. I made the signal for 'sup' with my head and bit into my dead cow. (Lol, that's horrible.) I watched her intensely. "You know Ace, you should use the air vents next time you try to catch me in the act." Dolly said, turning around. My eyes went wide as I bit halfway into my burger. "What are you talking about you walking trash can?" I asked, glaring at her. "You know what I'm talking about!" She hissed slamming her fist on the counter. I looked at her, not daring to make a move.

"What's the matter? Scared?" She snarled. I laughed, causing me to almost choke on my drink. "Scare? Of you? Why would I be scared of a walking toaster?" I asked, snickering at her reaction to my insult. I finished my burger then jumped down from the counter. I was almost her size, shoulder length right now. I looked up at her. "I don't think you are in the position to insult me shorty." She snapped. "Oh, shorty. Where did you get that one? From badinsults.com?" I asked, testing her patients. "Don't. Insult. Me." She warned. I laughed.

"Or what? You'll put too much make up on me? Please sweetheart. I have been in situations that would send most people to the nuthouse or a dirt bed. I'm sure I can handle a mutated toaster." I shot at her. She put a hand on my wrist and tightened her grip. I kneed her in the gut and she fell backwards. She got up and pinned me against the ground. "Get off Barbie! Before I get Ken!" I growled. I was secretly hoping that Rico would walk in. And as if he could read my mind, he walked in and saw Dolly about to beat me. She looked up to see Rico standing there. I took the opportunity to kick her off of me. She landed on the counters with a loud thud. That caused the attention of the rest of the boys. Dolly ran at me but I grabbed her arm and launched her up with my feet. Kowalski helped me up before she landed on me.

She got up, not gracefully I might add, and turned towards me. She looked like she came out of a zombie movie. Half of her metal exoskeleton was showing in random parts. Rico stopped her before she could attack me. I just got my arm cast free, I didn't need life size Barbie breaking it again. I felt the room spin as I wobbled around. I fell to the ground with my name being called faintly in the background.
I groaned as I tried to sit up. I felt a hand push me back down. I blinked a few time and held the back of my neck. Rico rushed over to me and helped my sit up. "What happened?" I asked. "When Dolly grabbed you, she injected a poison in the back of your neck. But luckily for you, with my genius mind, I made an antidote!" Kowalski said proudly. Rico elbowed him. "Well tell your genius mind that I said thanks." I joked, rubbing the back of my neck. "Sowwy." Rico said, the best he could. I hugged him and he hugged me. "Where is she?" I asked, pulling away. "Being sent to Hoboken. She will be there for quite sometime." Kowalski said. "Good. Maybe she will be on trash duty." I breathed. Rico and Kowalski laughed.
I pulled the blanket closer to me along with Killer as I looked at the picture. I smiled at how me and my brothers looked so happy in it. It put the picture back and went to sleep.

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