Chapter Three: All sorts of Sweets

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The tall man sitting a few tables away from Isabella, facing her direction but holding a newspaper in front of his face. She immediately sat up straight, suddenly feeling nervous being alone with the strange man, noticing the black car outside. How could one person make her feel this way by simply walking in?

Finally striking up the courage to take his order like the professional she should be, she walked up to him and put on a smile.

"How may I help you today, sir?" she asked in a calm voice, trying not to be worried about being alone.

"A tea please..." As she began to walk away, he calmly added, "Is the cheesecake any good?"

He looked up at her as she took a step back.

"I'll get you a slice and I'll bet you'll ask for another." she said as she softly patted his shoulder. Bella walked around the counter and to the back, while a very small blush crept up the man's neck.

Well at least he wasn't completely terrifying, what serial killer would ask for cheesecake right?

Returning a few moments later, she held a cup of tea and a small plate with a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

"Will that be all for you?" She unconsciously straightened out her shirt.

"Yes thank you very much, Miss..?"

"Just Isabella, please."

She smiled yet again, and walked back to her table, picking up her book.

It was quiet for a moment, not that it bothered either of them but she couldn't concentrate on the book but more on who the man was. What was he doing here? Was he some sort of government critique sent by the queen or something? The thought of that was actually amusing to Isabella.

Mycroft couldn't help but steal a glance at the young lady, and couldn't deny that she was very beautiful. Her dark brown hair was up in a ponytail giving him the perfect view of her matching eyes that were obviously not reading the book. It felt strange, he didn't want her to be afraid and his shoulder still felt tingly from where she had touched him. Not to mention that his mouth melted when he had a bite of the cheesecake.

Eager to hear more of her delicate voice, he became deep in thought on how to say something without frightening her. Although, he tried to convince himself that he was only there for information. Realizing how simple it really was, he spoke up through the silence, "The book you're reading, what is it about?"

Finally, taking off her eyes off the book, not having read a word since he walked in, Bella looked up.

"Oh well, it's about either a boy or a girl named A, who wakes up in a different body everyday. Then wakes up one day in a boy's body and he falls in love with a girl. And everyday he can't help but go out and try to find her." She smiled, knowing it sounded a bit ridiculous saying it out loud but the book was a lovely short novel she had gotten at the airport.

"Well that's just silly. Can't be that interesting, you haven't read a word since I've walked in." he replied with a slight smirk. He loved the power he had over people with such simple observations.

Isabella looked shocked and struggled to find words.

"I- well, it's's very sweet."

Setting down his newspaper, he stood up, walked over to her in a way he hoped didn't look menacing.

"Well you're delusional and I'm dangerous. So why don't you tell me everything you know about the man, Sherlock Holmes and it would be useless to deny you know nothing because I am quite aware you both are well acquainted." He didn't want to seem rude, but after Adler, he was...slightly concerned.e

Isabella looked at the man as he intertwined his hands on the table. She had kept a serious face just like himself and finally she smiled, confusing the older Holmes brother.

"Ahh so you're the brother. Hm I imagined you...chubbier by the way John and Sherlock described you."

She kept smiling at the elder Holmes, the blush returning to Mycroft's face.

"Sorry, it's just that he said you really loved cake. I was right, wasn't I? I don't brag much but you did eat all of it." She chuckled a bit, finally returning to her relaxed self.

Standing up and picking up his plate and cup, she walked to the back, Mycroft following, taking out a few bills and setting them down. When she returned, Bella simply looked at him with a small smile.

"So you know who I am. Well I'll propose a deal-"

"No, thank you, Mr.Holmes." she quickly cut him off knowing he wanted her to spy on Sherlock. John had warned her about him, but she couldn't understand why, he seemed quite nice and she allowed herself to admit that he was even handsome.

"I can offer you a great deal of money. Say you could even give away all the cake you want. How does that sound Isabella?"

"Well that sounds silly." She quoted his earlier words and smirked at him.

Leaning against the counter, she looked up at him, an innocent smile on her face and he stood there taking in the details of her face.

He sighed, realizing she was yet another sincere friend of his baby brother. Though he almost didn't want to, he turned around and made his way to the door.

"Well I have to admit, you were quite right, Ms.Thornfield." he spoke as his hand pulled open the door, sending a small gust of cold wind inside.

"About what?" she asked before he could walk through the door.

He took a step back and smiled at her, "Well about the cheesecake of course. Don't think I won't be having eyes on you." With that he walked outside and into the black car.

She couldn't understand why she'd need to be watched but strangely enough she hoped that meant he would be back.

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