Chapter Ten: The First Date, Part Two

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Mycroft studied Bella's face, as much as she tried to hide it, she was puzzled.

Finally she laughed, "Is this where you've taken me to be interrogated? Where you make me a deal I can't refuse, Mr. Holmes? Again?"

The building was old and the walls were covered in vines and growing plants. It was creepy in a beautiful way but is this where their date would take place?

"Let's take a look inside shall we?"

The hand that held hers now rested on the middle of her back, urging her forward.

Making their way to the door, they were both curious about what the other was thinking. What Bella had seen was just an abandoned building, what she didn't observe was how often the door had been used and the footprints you'd notice if you looked closely.

When they walked inside and it was nothing Bella could have ever imagined, the building was in fact not abandoned but...

"A hidden library?"

"Of sorts but for a selected few. Choose a book." He whispered in her ear. His closeness sent a shiver down her back, all the way down to where his hand was gently resting. The breath from his whispers softly brushed her hair, tickling her ear and neck.

Her eyes closed as she breathed him in. Her eyes fluttered open as his intoxicating smell trailed after him as he turned out of sight behind a shelf.

At first she only noticed the unique lights, adorning the bookshelves and small tables. It felt like walking in a field of fireflies. It was charming that way and she hoped that she'd have a library of her own as wonderful as this one. She followed where he had disappeared to but the place was so vast and the shelves seemed to have been placed as a sort of maze. The place felt magical and after she was done wandering around taking it all in, she finally began looking for a book, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She looked among the books, trying to decide whether to find a favorite book or a new one. There was no system to the books, not one Bella could find anyway. Bella was so entranced by the books that she didn't notice Mycroft on the other side of the bookshelf. He was studying her, noticing how she looked at ease, a smile played her lips and her eyes twinkled from the small lights. He loved the crinkles that were formed around her eyes. He almost laughed, the scene seemed to have been pulled from a cheesy movie, even the thought was cheesy but he didn't laugh. He hadn't because just as he had finished the thought, Bella's curious, dough eyes looked up. Mycroft's breath hitched and Bella's smile grew as she noticed the ice man's blush.

"Have you chosen a book?" he whispered between the titles.

Bella nodded and they followed each other, peering through the shelves, until they met at the end. Mycroft gently took her hand and he easily led her through the book shelf maze until they came upon a spiral staircase.

Up they went until they reached what Bella guess was the third and uppermost floor. Mycroft looked at her to see her reaction and noticed how deeply confused she was again, he chuckled.

"Does my confusion amuse you, Mr. Holmes?"

"More like your expressions, dear."

Her heart did a thing and her smile grew, her hand tightening slightly around his.

He continued walking down a hallway with doors of different colors and patterns. They walked through a beautiful pine green, Bella smiled, wondering if it was his favorite color.

As soon as she walked in, Isabella became excited and curious of this hidden treasure. Every inch of wall was made up of book filled shelves with one wall having a large window with a table set in front of it. On it rested a chess set and timer. A very comfy couch with various pillows and soft blankets was set up in the middle of the room. Directly in front of it sat various puzzles on a large wooden coffee table. Bella loved it.

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