Chapter Five: The Obnoxious Customer

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It was strange to anybody who lived in London, for it was sunny that Monday afternoon. Perhaps it was the weather that had boosted Isabella's mood or just the fact that Mycroft Holmes had texted her again that morning. He had apologized if he came off as someone who was threatening and was admitting that he only worried about Sherlock. She couldn't help but smile more often throughout the day, even through the busy hours. The tip jar seemed to get fuller faster than usual and all because of some man in a suit, she thought. But then again he wasn't just a man.

It was after a crazy lunch rush, and everybody seemed to be up and about except Sherlock who had solved Lestrade's latest murder. John was upstairs and had told her the consulting detective was laying, unmoving on the couch. This created a great window for them to think up a plan for the party that Friday. While Isabella, Rachel, and Blake (new guy that had been hired during Isabella's trip) handled all the fuzz downstairs, John had been looking over the drawings of the cake to make the final decision. After things finally quieted down, Blake had gone out for lunch with Rachel and Bella stayed to clean up the tables. There was only, Mrs. Robertson who owned the bookstore a few buildings down that Isabella often visited. She could hardly hear a thing but she was sweet nonetheless and sat in her usual seat by the corner.

Stepping once again behind the counter, she heard the bell ring and for the first time since that morning, her smile fell. It was not like she was frightened, repulsed by the fact that she had to see him again and that he had the nerve to come into her bakery.

"Hey cutie, I didn't know you were back in town. I've missed you." He leaned against the counter, crossing his arms, obviously flexing.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be near a mirror admiring yourself?"

"C'mon Bella, don't do this. You've had time to think things over. So have I and I forgive you." He reached for her hand but she quickly snatched it away.

"I did have time to think things over and decided that no, I'm not sorry. I don't have any reason to be. And if you still think I should be the one to apologize then you're dead wrong and idiotic as ever." She had a difficult time not yelling at him and not ruining the nice atmosphere.

Bella began to take out the empty trays from the glass cabinet to refill with treats fresh out of the oven. Before she knew it, Jacob had reached over for her arm and pulled her in front of him. The only thing separating them was the counter and she was very thankful for it.

"Let go, Jacob. I don't have time for this. Stop being so obnoxious."

"Isabella, you can't resist me. I mean look at me, just leave this, the baking, I can take care of you."

"Oh please these cupcakes probably have more brains than you do. Now leave." She finally pulled her arm away from his grasp, both of them ignoring the door ding behind them.

"Look, babe I'm sorry-" he began to walk behind the counter when a black umbrella blocked his way.

"I do believe the lady said to leave or are you too daft to comprehend simple English?"

Jacob laughed as he gave Mycroft's clothes a look. Then he scoffed, "Back off, Mary Poppins!"

Mycroft let out a sarcastic chuckle and glanced at Isabella to make sure she was alright. When she responded with a small nod, he turned back at steroid packed dunderhead in front of him.

"I really do hate threatening people but I'll have you know that-"

Quickly taking Jacob's arm and holding it behind his back and pushing him down against the counter in one swift movement, Mycroft leaned a bit down and whispered, "I am the British Government and I'll have you easily exterminated."

Letting go of the struggling man, Mycroft stood upright with a snide smile.

"Whatever, you'll regret this." Cradling his arm, Jacob walked out of the bakery with a huff.

"I must apologize for that Ms. Thornfield. It was unnecessary but it was the quickest way I saw fit to get rid of the pest."

Isabella crossed her arms and looked curiously at the man. He raised an eyebrow at her and it made her insides flip.

"I thought you said you only held a small position in the government?"

Trying to hold back a smile, the umbrella man could only wink at the flour covered woman.

They stared at each other with shy smiles exchanging small summaries of their day. Mycroft had been trying to gather the courage to ask something when Mrs. Robertson dropped some change into the jar.

"Well, now I may be just an old lady but I knew you weren't just cheery because of the weather. Is this the nice, young man who's got you all giddy?"

Isabella bolted straight up, avoiding Mycroft's sideways glance and turning bright red.

"I well, I mean I-"

"Though the weather is extraordinarily pleasant this evening, I could only dream of such a beautiful woman smiling over a simple man such as myself." Mycroft smiled down at the lady with her glasses perched on her nose, while Bella only became a darker shade of red.

"Hush now young man, I'm sure you're wonderful or else you wouldn't have caught Izzy's eye here. I bet you'll be nice to snuggle up with at night, besides, she needs someone to feed all her extra sweets to."

Isabella hurriedly escaped to the back, she couldn't keep her cool together and only made Mycroft think she had been embarrassed. Why did it hurt if she didn't want anyone thinking she could like someone like him. She quickly returned, holding a box of cheesecake for Mycroft, wondering why he would say that. John had said the man was cold, cared nothing for emotion and here he was, flirting.

When she came back out to the counter, Mrs. Robertson had a knowing smile on her face and Mycroft no longer leaned against the counter and eyeing the box.

"Here you go, Mr. Holmes." She handed the box over, not daring to look him in the eyes.

Before he could reach to pull out his wallet, she quickly added, "And it's on the house."

She smiled shyly at him still red, not sure where all her courage went.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Thornfield." He worried he might've said the wrong thing. He wasn't sure how these things worked but what did the cheesecake mean?

"Have your tried the muffins dear? Oh you must, they're just splendid." Beamed the hard hearing lady.

They walked together towards the door, Mycroft holding open the door for her.

"The cookies are good as well but too much sugar for me." She continued.

Bella at the counter only sighing with relief as she felt her face returning to normal.

"I much prefer the strawberry cheesecake." He looked back and only winked at the baker again, her bright blush returning yet again. Outside he waved to Mrs. Robertson and then left in his mysterious black car.

"What the hell was that?!"

Isabella was snapped out of her trance by John coming down the stairs with a journal in hand.

"He winked at you!!"

"No he didn't!"

"Ah, there's no point in lying, I didn't just see, I observed, and I also have evidence, Bella." He held up the sketchbook that was filled with different drawings of the elder Holmes.

"I bet he doesn't just like the cheesecake."

"Oh shut it." Isabella said with a pout.

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