Ch. 2 - Jealous

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"Y/N!" I heard a familiar person shout at me from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see Stiles walking towards me. My eyes instantly lit
up from seeing him and a smile subconsciously formed on my mouth.

"Hey... What's up?" I asked him as we walked down the hall to go home. "Ehhh nothing much. You?" He asked which I answered with a simple shrug of the shoulders. He just awkwardly nodded his head and concentrated his gaze at the ground as if he was trying to contemplate something.

Stiles, after about thirty seconds of silence, started to say, "So I was wondering if-" He was cut off by Isaac calling my name. I turn around and give him a small smile as he casually slings his arm around my shoulder. I can feel Stiles uncomfortably stiffen next to me and stare at the floor with a dull expression. What's up with him?

I avert my attention back to Isaac who looks like he wants to tell me something but doesn't know how. I give him a confused expression and a raised eyebrow in response. "So I was wondering if you'd like to study with me this evening?" I smile and simply say, "Sure, what do you need to study?"

"Oh just math." He tells me as he removes his arm from around my shoulder then continues, "I got to go so see you tonight." I just nod my head and give him a quick side hug then continue on my walk. I was about to ask Stiles if he wanted to come over and join our little study group, but he was already exiting Beacon Hills High. Weird....

I rushed to catch up with him since he was in fact my ride home. Once I finally caught up with him, he had already started to back out of his parking space in his light blue jeep. Dafuq.

"Hey! Stiles!! Wait!" I yelled at him as he continued to back out. It didn't help that it was raining cats and dogs. I yell one more time causing him to finally stop then start to blow down his window so I jog up to it with a very pissed off expression. I mean he just tried to leave me stranded in the rain. He's lucky I'm not beating his ass already.... Not to sound violent.

He casually looks out the window holding a sarcastic smile and says, "Oh hey, do you need a ride?" I glare daggers at him as I respond with sarcasm clearly laced in my voice, "No I don't. I plan on walking home in the pouring rain..." He just shrugs his shoulders and starts blowing the window back up.

"What the absolute hell?! Who shit in your fruit loops causing you to be a dick all of the sudden?" I yell at him shivering slightly from the cold rain that has now drenched me from head to toe. I didn't care about the looks we got from my sudden outburst, because he was being a douche. He has never acted like this before and it scares me.... He rolls his eyes and says, "How about you go get your boyfriend to kick my ass? I'm sure we'd all love to see that...."

"Oh I see now.... You're just jealous that he has more balls than you do!" I spat as I turn around to go find Lydia. Maybe she'll be kind enough to give me a ride.

Just as I step over the curb I hear a car door slam causing me to turn around. Stiles makes his way over to me and grabs my waist pulling me towards him leaving absolutely zero space between us besides our heads which are mere inches away from each other. "If you want balls I'll give you balls.... I am in love with you y/n and have been since I laid eyes on you in elementary. I used Lydia as a cover up for my true feelings and they were towards you, but I just can't take it anymore. I love you so deal with it." He tells me frustrated leaving me wearing a 'flabbergasted' expression.

As soon as I processed what he had said, I grabbed both sides of his shirt collar and pulled him roughly toward me connecting my lips to his. At first he was a little taken aback but soon started to move in sync with mine. His lips were even softer than I could ever imagine. I could feel him smile into the kiss which only made me as well. The kiss was surprisingly gentle considering our pissed off states just a few moments ago. After what seemed like forever, we pulled away breathing heavily with our hearts thumping wildly against our rib cage.

We both stared at each other for a while unsure of what to do next. I no longer felt the cold rain drops hitting my body or the cold wind that might just cause hypothermia. All I could feel was the way his lips were planted on mine and how much I wanted to do it again.

Finally, breaking the awkwardness, he said with a teasing smile planted on his face, "So I will just be going now.... Enjoy your walk home. Try not to catch a cold." I rolled my eyes playfully as I lightly slapped his arm.

"Ha-ha very clever... Just get in your jeep and drive us home smart ass." I said as I started making my way to the passenger side. But before I could open the door I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I smiled knowing instantly it was Stiles. I turned around still in his arms not caring that my bag was probably filled with water now. He looked down at me with his beautiful hazel eyes and said, "I will drive us home if you agree to have me come along on this study date." I could hear the venom laced snarl he put on the word date.

"Or.... We could just have a private study date?" I say playfully wiggling my eyebrows suggestively and had to stifle a laugh seeing his whole demeanor change. "Wait are you being serious...?" He said mixed with shock and hope. I lightly hit him on the head and replied slightly laughing, "No you idiot, I am just messing with you. So get in the car and drive us to my place so we can study with Isaac." I ruffle his hair a little as I hop in the passenger seat leaving a baffled Stiles to awkwardly walk back to the driver's seat most likely wondering where he went wrong... Boys

I hope this wasn't too cliche, because I kind of thought it was. So I hope you still liked it! Please vote... Thanks man ;-)

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