Ch. 11 - Void Stiles (1)

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The pic is kind of blurry... Well to me anyways. I hope your enjoy ;-) this is not a two part imagine. I just might make more than one and title it Void Stiles but the numbers help show the difference between them in the title. I am sorry if that sounded like unicorn crap lol I really hoped it made better sense than it did to me.... Lol :-)

I slowly opened my eyes taking in my surroundings. I tried to stand up, but soon noticed I was tied to a pole in some underground building. There were horizontal poles lining the walls everywhere I looked. The whole place looked as if it was never ending. How the hell am I supposed to get out...

I was just about to scream when I caught hold of a shadow moving towards me frantically. I tried to focus on him considering my eyesight kept blurring. I finally noticed who it was, Stiles. I smiled at my savior as he appeared closer and closer. Once he reached me he began to untie the rope around my hands when he asked beyond irritated, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

As soon as my hands were free I gripped his shoulders and told him, "I am fine let's just get the hell out of here." He smiled at me as he helped me stand. I slung my arm around his shoulder as he slipped his arm around my waist steadying me. "How's Scott and Mom holding up?" I asked nervous about how my family is taking me being captured by the nogitsune. I also wondered why Scott wasn't with him.

"They've been out of their minds trying to find you, but I called Scott so don't worry, he should be here any minute." He told me followed by an encouraging smile before continuing with, "As am I." I rolled my eyes.

"Well I would hope you are considering your my best friend..." I exclaim as I lightly nudge my hip to his. He laughed as he directed us right. His smile slowly faltered as we continued deeper down the hall. I looked at him curiously then asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?"

Expecting the worse I was surprised when he smashed his lips to mine. Sure I had a crush on him, but since he basically told everyone he was head over heels for Lydia I figured they had disappeared after that. The butterflies and yes 'cliche' sparks told me otherwise. I quickly responded working my lips in sync. We pulled apart breathing for air before we both broke out into small smiles.

"I have been wanting to do that from the moment I saw you." He said with his cheesy pick up line. I playfully rolled my eyes as I said, "Yeah, yeah. You can confess your undying love for me as soon as we get out of here." His smiled expanded as we took a left. I could see the light at the end of the hall.

Before I could burst into joy at finally being away from the nutjob. I heard my name being called repeatedly by the one and only. Stiles. I turned to look at the imposter of my best friend to find him grabbing my arm roughly smirking as if he knew he already won. I screamed, "Stiles! STILES! I am down here!!!" I looked at him victoriously before he plunged a knife into my lower abdomen. I heard faint yells as I fell to the ground finally understanding.

As I looked up from the ground I saw Stiles rush over quickly followed by Scott to my side. They both obviously saw the nogitsune plunge the damn thing in me. That's why he did it, for my physical and emotional pain accompanied by chaos to break out amongst my friends and family. I suddenly felt utterly stupid for being so trusting when I knew there were two Stiles running around...

I could slowly feel my eyelids close and the last thing I heard was Scott whispering, "Hang on lil' sis."


I could hear faint whispering from outside. I could tell one was Scott and most likely either Stiles or Mom. I pretended to sleep as I heard the door slowly creak open. My best friend's familiar voice whispered, "Y/N?" I know I should respond back to let everyone know I was okay, but I just needed some time to not be suffocated by others' pity and worry considering I can't protect myself. I know it sounds selfish, but sometimes you have to be a little selfish in this world. That's just how it is...

I thought he had left since it was all of the sudden quiet until I heard him say, "I'm sorry... If only I had gotten there sooner none of this would've happened. If only I had been strong enough to keep the stupid nogitsune out. I am so sorry y/n. How can I protect you when I get possessed by trickster foxes because I am weak and easy to break?" His voice cracked at the last part making my heart clench. Just as I was about to say something I heard him mumble, "It's no wonder you don't love me."

That was the last straw. I opened my eyes and looked over at him since I was in no condition to sit up. He looked a little startled and then worried considering he basically implied he wanted me to love him... I weakly smiled at him as he asked, "How are you?" I shrugged my shoulders before turning the question on him. He responded the same way as I did before asking yet another question, "How uhhh how much did you hear?"

"Oh not much." I assured him but he didn't seem to be buying it leading him to ask his third question, "And by not much... You mean...?"

"Maybe quite possibly the whole thing..." I told him smiling at the end as he returned it nervously. We continued like this for another three minutes. Him sitting in the hospital chair, me laying on the hospital bed, just staring at each other. Finally, Scott came in slightly annoyed before saying, "Would you confess your feelings for eachother already? I can practically smell your emotions from the lobby downstairs!" We both laughed as my idiot twin brother left the room leaving us alone once again.

After a minute more of the silence, Stiles stuttered out barely coherent, "I uhh I l-love you y/n..." A huge smile engulfed my face as soon as my brain registered what he had said and it wasn't coming from the nogitsune.

"I love you too." I said as a goofy smile settled on Stiles' face. Right as I finished Scott barged in once again exclaiming, "Well it's about damn time." Stiles grabbed my hand as my brother finished up his comment causing a blush to erupt over my cheeks. He just smiled in return.

And that's when I knew I was utterly and totally whipped by Stiles Stilinski and I just finally admitted it to myself...

Welp I haven't posted in FOREVER and I don't have an excuse... So sorry about that! I hope you guys enjoy it and plz vote... I will hopefully try and post sooner than I did for this imagine. Hope you guys enjoyed the new episode of Teen Wolf!!!! Bye thanks for reading! ;-)

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