Ch. 7 - New Girl

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This imagine was requested by Maddy so  if u happened to not read the last imagine it had said instead of y/n it will be Maddy.... ;-) Soooooo..... ENJOY!

I opened the door of room 111 causing all eyes to fall upon me. I casually smiled as I looked to the teacher for instructions. She motioned for me to stand up in front of the class and I internally groaned.

"I was wondering when you'd get here.... Class this is Maddy Salvatore and she will be joining us today." She told the class as if this was elementary school. I had to hold back an eye roll for how stupid she sounded and childish she made me seem. I in fact had been around way longer than her and by 'way' mean nearly over a hundred years....

My two brothers sent me over after we heard of the nemeton regaining its power. They insisted I go check it out.... Well Stephan more since Damen really didn't give a shit which doesn't surprise me.

I make my way to the back noticing most eyes back on the board except for one boy. His hazel-brown eyes seem to hold so much warmth while my bright blue eyes held so much..... Death. I mean I have been 'dead' for a very long time.

Not for more than five minutes the bell had rung signaling our dismissal and hazel boy never stopped staring at me once.... I don't know whether I should be flattered or worried. I grabbed my bag and right as I was about to exit I heard my name being called from behind. I turned around to be met with hazel boy.... No surprise there.

I had business to get done, but in order to do that I had to blend in. I didn't have time for childish crushes, but he surprised me when he held up a pencil.... My pencil. It was in fact my favorite which made me mentally slap myself for being so forgetful. I grabbed it from his hand and graciously said, "Thank you..." He smiled brightly then replied, "Uhhh... It was uhhh nothing really so... Yeah. I guess I'll see ya around?"

"Well we do have this class together." I told him smiling at how awkwardly cute he was. He just shook his head slightly chuckling at himself before saying, "True." He then exited the room without saying anything else. I don't know why it bugged me, because wasn't that what I had wanted. I headed to the locker room for gym trying to erase those thoughts when I saw hazel boy - who I still don't know the name of - talking to someone else.

I tuned in to their conversation, because I am nosy like that.... I heard hazel boy say, "Oh my gosh... Scott she was absolutely beautiful with her wavy, brown hair, bright blue eyes, and the freckles lightly scattered on her nose. And the worst part is that I totally blew it..." Who I am assuming is Scott replied, "You didn't blow it Stiles..." Stiles... That's a very unique name, but I like it. I saw Scott look around and his eyes land on mine. I quickly looked away hoping he didn't see me staring at them. "Look there she is over there. And I even caught her looking over at us.... She's totally into you man!" Scott said trying to boost his friend's confidence. I am not into him.... Or am I?

Before I could pry into that subject anymore I noticed a certain hazel-eyed boy making his way over here. I tried acting like I was about to go into the locker rooms, but not too fast. What? I want to hear what he has to say.... It's not a crime!

"Maddy! Wait up!" I heard Stiles yell from behind. He jogged a little in an attempt to catch me before disappearing into the girl's locker rooms. I turned around and smile at him before saying, "Hey Stiles. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" I say sounding casual until I caught my mistake. He never told me his name! Crap... Real smooth! Maybe he won't notice.

He laughed a little then replied, "Hey, so I uhh... Was sort of wondering if m-maybe you- Wait a minute..." His face showed major confusion near the end as if realizing something. Oh what joy... He noticed. I tried to mirror his expression as if I didn't know what was happening. He looked suspiciously at me before saying, "I never told you my name..."

"Oh you didn't... I swore you did." I tell him really hoping I don't have to compel him. His face tilted as he said, "Nope I am pretty sure I didn't..." I step closer to him and look him square in the eye as I stated rather aggressively, "You told me your name when handing me back my pencil. Remember?" He just nodded his head and repeated, "I must have told you my name when I handed you your pencil." I smiled as I stepped back from him a little then asked in my usual tone, "What was it you were saying?"

"Oh yeah.... I was asking if maybe you uhhh.... W-wanted to go see a movie or something?" He asked me clearly nervous. I tried to contain the smile that wanted so desperately to break free as I stated at him awkwardly. Stiles quickly said, "Ummm forget I asked..." He was about to leave when I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "I would love to." I told him allowing a hint of my smile to slip. His eyes suddenly got bright as he said, "Okay then! I will pick you up at eight." I nodded in response before saying as he was beginning to turn aprons and leave, "See ya later!"

Right as I was about to enter the locker room, I noticed Scott looking at me strangely. I awkwardly waved and he just smiled at me with his eyes still holding that confused expression. I step into the locker room wondering what was up with him.

I mean it's not like he heard me or anything...

Okay so I REALLY hope that you like this one Maddy.... It was my first one to do upon request and also really hope everyone else enjoyed it too! Sooooo please vote for it and if anyone else would like to request I honestly don't mind ;-)

Just make sure to have your name, personality, hobbies, looks, etc. Just put whatever to help me make it the best imagine for you possible! So thanks so much for reading! I might post again tonight idk yet.... :-)

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