Ch. 10 - To the Dentist! (pt. 2)

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I jolt out of bed to collide with a solid object. I look to see what I had hit only to be met with the most familiar hazel eyes. He clears his throat awkwardly and I soon realize it's due to our very close proximity. I avert my gaze elsewhere trying my best to hide the blush that dares to creep. I feel his presence pull back so I look back up.

"I was uhh..." Stiles started but soon stopped as he let out a nervous chuckle while running a hand through his hair. He turned to me and continued slightly more confidently, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go uhhh out s-sometime?" I stared at him dumbfounded remembering all the times I had dreamed he would ask that. He must of took my response the wrong way since he started to head towards the door mumbling 'stupid'.

Before he could get any further I yelled out, "Yes!" He quickly turned around which caused him to trip over his own foot and tumble to the floor. I stifled a laugh as I his head popped up and asked so full of hope, "Really?" I nodded my head smiling at his awkwardness. He smiled back as he got up and quickly ran to my bed. He sent me a goofily smile as he leant in closer. I rolled my eyes at him. "I said I'd go on a date with you, not..." I stopped to playfully push him back a little then continuing, "Anything else." He pouts and asks, "Not even a little kiss?" I shake my head amused before saying "Nope," making sure to pop the 'p'. He rolled his eyes in response before rolling over on top of me, pinning me down. Well this sure escalated quickly...

"Did you mean what you said?" He asked in a very serious tone still hovering over me which made me slightly nervous. I stared into his hazel eyes as I said amused by his question, "Of course I meant it... I would love to go on a date with you." I gave him a smile but was soon replaced by confusion as he shook his head then told me, "No not about that... The uhhh thing at the dentist." I shot him a worried look as I asked hesitantly, "What did I say...?" He looked at me awkwardly before saying, "You might have told me you umm.... Love me?" My mouth fell open as I checked his face for any signs of his usual sarcasm. Sure I have had a crush on him forever but I have always thought he had liked Lydia. I mean maybe I do love him. Oh god I love Stiles....

"Earth to y/n..." I hear Stiles voice accompanied with the waving of his hand in front of my face. I shrug my shoulders in response not really knowing how to respond. I avoided his gaze as he was still on top of me which didn't help the situation at all. Not that I was complaining....

Before I could come up with a with defense to break the ice, he crashed his lips to mine. I quickly responded shocked at how good of a kisser he truly is. I mean I would have never guessed based on the way he acted, but then again this is Stiles. He can be so unpredictable sometimes. Every time he deepened the kiss the butterflies intensified leaving me even more hazy. We both pull away breathless and in a daze. He pressed his forehead to mine as he whispered, "It's ok... I love you too." I couldn't help but smile as I pulled him back in.

"Hey! Where are th-" Lydia yells as she enters my room. I watch as her expression becomes quite amused seeing our current position. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything... I'll let you get back to your ummm... That." She finished as she gestured to us holding a smug smirk. We both quickly got on far sides of the room as she stared at us even more amused. We sent an awkward smile hoping she wouldn't make this situation any more uncomfortable.

Then just as she was about to leave, Scott and Allison come barging in asking why the party is back here now. They take one look at our faces and distance between the two of us as they put the pieces together. "You guys finally confessed your feelings?! Didn't you??" Allison asked a little to peppy, but anyone with eyes could tell that. Even Scott did... "Well it's about damn time..." I hear Scott mumble and if it was directed towards me I would've laughed.

"Ok we get it. Now could you direct the party elsewhere? We haven't finished confessing our feelings yet. Give us maybe one to two more minutes then you all can invade." Stiles said as the true smart ass he is causing a small donkey snort to erupt from my mouth. Luckily everyone complies and quickly scatters no doubt coming back to eavesdrop the minute we close the door, but Stiles has a different plan. He grabs my hand and motions to the window and I instantly pick up on what he is trying to tell me. We quietly open the window and jump out them race off into the sunset on his horse. And by horse I mean Stiles' jeep and by sunset I mean the middle of the day since it's 3:00 PM. Right as we start to pull out I check the window to find a smirking Allison and Lydia accompanied by Scott with a thumbs up. I roll my eyes and enjoy the scenery.... Stiles.

I am sooooo sorry I haven't updated.... I was going to sooner but me being a dumbass decided to drop her phone in the toilet.... *sighs* I am updating through my mom's iPad lol it's not that bad though.... At least I get to update! Welp BYE I hope you enjoyed plz vote ;-)

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin