Ch. 1 - Be my Batman

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We had been in detention for fifteen minutes now... Jackson, Matt, and Allison sat at the table near the back while I sat across from Stiles and Scott at a different table. Erica sat alone at the table to the left of us messing with her many bracelets on her wrist.

Matt attempted to give Jackson a chip but he declined. I rolled my eyes at him since he was such a jackass.... I mean Matt is so sweet.

"Hey I am going to go talk to Erica and see what she knows. You guys just stay here." Scott informs us. I nod in response not caring that I don't get to be apart of some action... Stiles however always has something to say - sarcastic or not. I am surprised when he does nothing but just say, "Okay..." Then sighs loudly as if he is just so done with life that he doesn't feel like arguing which is a first. Scott notices his odd behavior too and asks, "Are you ok, because you can come with me..." Stiles just shakes his head and plays with the hem of his shirt. Scott then looks to me as if I know the reason to is weird antics... I shrug my shoulders.

Scott, after finally realizing that Stiles doesn't want to go, walks over to Erica. I look at Stiles with a raised eyebrow. "What was that all about?" I asked curious.

"Nothing." He said still playing with the hem of his shirt. Not convinced I shake my head and continue to pester him, "That wasn't nothing, so tell me what's wrong... Please."

He suddenly looks up at me with a dull expression on his face which frightens me since he rarely gets like this. "Please tell me." I whisper barely audible. He just holds our eye contact then finally responds, "I feel like I am his stupid sidekick; like I am just not as important. I know it sounds stupid, but that's just how I feel. I don't want to be Robin all the time. I'd like to be Batman too..." As he finishes he averts his eyes back to the hem of his shirt and continues to play with it.

"Stiles, look at me." I tell him and he slowly raises his head up. I smile once I have his full attention. "Well I need a Batman... So be mine." He lets out a small chuckle before saying sarcastically, "Only if you agree to be my Catwoman." A small smile tugs at my lips at his comment.

"Okay then Batman let's go over there with Scott and kick some ass without having supernatural abilities, because we are just that awesome!" I exclaim to him holding my hand out for him to take and he gladly did.

Scott smiled at us as we sat next to him eager to know what Erica knows.

This one was a really short chapter, but I thought it was really cute... Sorry if it was too short for your liking! This was my first one so I hope it wasn't too bad

Hoped you enjoyed so please vote, thanks man! ;-)

Stiles Stilinski ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara