Forever Dead ::8:: Shit Hit the Fan

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I dodged for the bathroom. Staring in the mirror I looked back at the girl I thought I once knew. The old Audrina didn’t kiss vampires…the old Audrina also wouldn’t have gone outside on Nocte Defunctorum. I sighed and ran a brush through my hair.

“Wait a second…” I put the brush down and squeezed my wrist. There was no pain. Just last night I could have sworn it was broken, and then Nicholai kissed me… I forgot about it until now.

“Hurry up!” 6 yelled. I opened the door and stepped out.

“6, do Vampires have healing powers?” I asked. She raised her eyebrows and nodded her head.

“Don’t you know that? That’s general textbook knowledge.” She said, spritzing on some perfume.  I rolled my eyes.

“Yes I know, but I thought it was only if you drank their blood?” I kind of skipped that chapter… well, that whole semester really.

“Yeah that’s one way. Vampires have a chemical in their blood. It’s also in their saliva. Their bodies compose it. Basically if they lick you and area that’s wounded, like a bite, it heals.” She said. But he didn’t lick my wrist…

“What if a vampire kisses you?” I mean, his saliva DID get into my mouth, so it was inevitable that I swallowed it…

“Well I guess that would work too.” She said. I could tell she was about to ask me why when Lucia came in.

“Come on. They’re waiting for all of you.” I groaned. I had met enough vampires for a lifetime. I stepped into the hallway, cringing at the sounds of giggling girls. I caught a few conversations as I walked towards Macy. Everyone was pretty excited to meet their possible future in laws.

“Are you excited?” Macy asked as I approached her. I shook my head.

“Why would I be?”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” She smirked.

“I don’t even understand that? Who would make that up? What does sleeping on one side of the bed have to do with my mood?” I crossed my arms. I was grumpy… but I didn’t want to admit it.

“Okay, sheesh.” Macy rolled her eyes and turned to talk with 7.

“Are you okay?” I heard Ro ask quietly. I nodded my head and smiled. She was probably even more scared than any of us.

“You?” I asked as we started walking downstairs.

“I’m okay. Are you hurt?” she asked, referring to last night. For a moment I was disappointed. Macy hadn’t even asked if I was okay. Had she forgotten? Or did she just not care… I didn’t recognize myself when I looked in the mirror, but what was even scarier was I didn’t recognize who Macy was anymore either.

“No, surprisingly I’m fine. Not even a bruise.” I smiled, easing her nervousness.

“Girls. Please remember to bow when you enter, speak only when spoken to and never make eye contact, it is considered rude here. This is your King and Queen now, treat them as such.” Lucia said. We all nodded our heads. I looked around the hallway, not seeing Nicholai. He must be inside.

The double doors opened reveal a gorgeous ballroom. Everyone, including myself gaped as we walked slowly to the two thrones all the way in the back. One wall was made entirely of glass, revealing the sun and a beautiful garden. The ceiling was a majestic painting of angels in the clouds. The little cherubs smiled down at me, flying and dancing. A giant gold chandelier dangling crystals lit the room with a soft glow. It was easily the most beautiful place I had ever been.

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