Ten: The Reason

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The Reason

I sat up on my bed and just looked out the balcony, I can't believe he left. The curtain blows erratically and some water drips onto my hardwood floor. Thankfully my plush baby pink fuzzy carpet doesn't get as far as the sliding door.

I get up slowly and slide the door shut, locking it once its shut. I turn and slide my way down the glass door, taking refuge on the ground. I touch my lips and sigh, the electric feeling completely gone. The only feeling I get now is of my cold fingertips.

I wanted to curse myself, I wanted to say I hated every moment but I would only be lying to myself. I loved every moment of it. The feeling of his hand on my arms, the slight grab of my behind, I loved it all and I'd run in this rain to get it again.

But, I'm not crazy so I think I should just go to bed.

With my mind made up, I reached for my phone which thankfully fell on the carpet. With it in my hand, I get off the floor and make my way to my bed. As I place my knee on the bed, preparing myself to lift myself I see something in the corner of my eyes.

His clothes laying there on the ground, not too far away are Nic's too. I let out a chuckle realising that he didn't even accept the clothes.

With all that had just occurred, I grabbed his shirt and put it on. It was dry now and complete sleep-in-me worthy. I was instantly consumed in his smell and I loved it. I loved this feeling so much I wanted to capture it forever.

Walking over to my bed, I sat on it and looked out the sliding door one last time, a tear slid down my face. I knew it would probably be months again until I can feel any of this ever again. I wish he had stayed, I wish he had stayed so that it could've lasted longer.

I lay down and pull my blankets right up to my neck and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. With a small smile on my face and thoughts of my 'terrifying' mate in mind.

I woke up to the feeling of pushing, someone was regretfully trying to wake me up. I rolled over and opened an eye. Only to see my sister lying beside me with a scowl on her pretty face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Came over to check on you but as soon as I approached you, I smelt Alexander Russo all around me. I was curious as to why. Then I saw this." She lifts my – well his – shirt and then with her other hand, she lifts his pants.

"Did you two do the dirty?" She checks my neck.

"No." I say flatly, "He was here though."

She smirks, "Obviously. I mean, his clothes were on the floor and on you."

I smiled at her but internally rolled my eyes, "Nope, nothing happened. I'm still flowered up, nothing to be worried about."

"Well, that sucks."

I laugh, "Sorry about that but he will probably never kiss me again so I know this was all a onetime thing." I grab the shirt and take it off.

Pointing at my chest area she scowls, "Is that my sports bra?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I giggle and she gives me an eye roll but I see the smile playing on her lips.

"Well," She begins, "I need to tell you something."

I pull a face, "I knew you didn't come here because you 'wanted to check up on me.'"

"Uhm," She scratches the back of her neck, "I'm moving out." She does jazz hands and lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Wait. What?"

Surely I knew this was coming sooner or later but, I thought it would be later. Much later.

My Monster Mate (Book I)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin