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Hermione wakes up late on the next day on purpose. Why? Because she has no mission today and she has free times from the sun appears. It's also because today is the day of the concert. She doesn't want to wait for too long for the concert and gets antsy and excited and feels the time ticks by slowly, that's why she decided to wake up late today. And how good her day has been so far because no one is looking for her.

It's 11. The concert will not start until four in the after noon. Hermione takes a shower as soon as she gets up, doesn't want to waste any time soon. The weather's sunny outside. Hermione decides to wear a t-shirt and a pair of short jeans that shows her nice long legs. She lets her wavy hair free and dab just a little bit powder on her cheeks. Nothing changes on her face. She just looks a little brighter than she usually was when she put on her mascara and lipgloss. But she feels totally different.

"You look pretty," praises someone when she enters the kitchen with a thin-strip bag hung across her body. Although it's not her usual time of breakfast, but she decides to eat a little to fill up her stomach for a long walk she's going to have after this. The last thing she wants while spending her best day is gets grumpy just because her stomach is empty.

Hermione looks down her body and shrugs. "Do I?" she asks Lukas innocently.

Hermione takes out a carton of milk from the fridge and then turns to a cabinet behind her -- labelled with HERMIONE -- to take two gronala bars and starts tearing the paper and starts eating.

"Yeah. Well, at least you're not wearing the usual uniform," Lukas confirms. Instead of Hermione, he gets blush seeing that girl dressing up. "Going somewhere? When's your concert?" Lukas asks. He just got back from a run at the Wit-Ass Wood Camp behind the Villa, and is drinking a bottle of water in one breath.

"My concert starts at four. I am going out just to waste my time," Hermione replies, looking at Lukas from up to down, shakes her head at how sweaty her friend looks, like he just gotten out of a pool. This boy never take a break, Hermione thinks. "What about you? When's yours?"

"Seven," Lukas answers with a smirk.

"Seven?! What? It's not fair you get to get laid!" Hermione whines.

Lukas throws his empty bottle in the bin and wipes his forehead and face and neck with a small towel he has. His smirk gets bigger when he sees the scowl on Hermione's face and he feels a little triumph there somewhere in his heart when he succeeded to make Hermione angry. "What to say. I like a men band, not some childish band," Lukas teases.

"Oh, don't you dare call One Direction is a childish band!" Hermione warn through her gritted teeth. Her finger of her rifle hand pointing at Lukas. "Or you-"

"Or what? You're going to shoot me with your Barrett?" Lukas's eyebrow rises. Though his lips have now turned into a straight line, but if you look closely, there's still a smirk playing at the end of his thin lips. A devilish one. "I'm your best friend, you won't kill me."

Hermione crosses her arms on her chest, one of her hand has her gronala bar in it that she has yet finished it.

Lukas grins, feeling as if he wins the fight and proud to himself to make Hermione backs down. He opens his mouth to say something -- to cheer that he wins -- but quickly shuts his mouth back when he sees Hermione's face turns soft. His face falls. His heart suddenly thumps louder than the drums. Uh-oh.

OUR BELOVED ASSASSIN // t.s daughter ((1))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora