Nico gets a cat

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"I thought I told you to get rid of the intruder, not bring him back and have a heart to heart". The creature called slenderman continued crossing it's arm and tapping one foot. The static in Nico's head grew. Now he knew what they had meant by his head hurting, it was hard to remain calm as they had instructed though. Nico was glad he hadn't tried to stand up because he was pretty sure he would have fallen again if he had.

"But Slendyyy he's cool! He raised a skeleton while we were fighting. I thought you'd want to meet anyone who could raise the dead, so I brought him back with me. He brought the skeleton too, Hoody saw it too but Nico said it was making him to tired to keep it around so it's a pile of bones in the front yard now."

"Hoody is this true?" Slenderman asked turning to Hoody who nodded silently. "Hmm you may have been correct Toby, the ability to raise the dead is a very interesting power. Child, how did you come by this ability?" The static in Nico's head subsided to a low level of interference as he looked up at Slender man, getting up slowly.

"My father is Hades, the Greek god of the dead and the underworld. Theoretically I should be able to raise the dead to serve me any time I want, but I only found out about my ability a little while ago so I don't have much practice." Nico was on his feet, though he wasn't sure that it was a good idea since he might fall at any moment if the static started again. He kept his center of gravity low, Slenderman made him feel small and more powerless than any other monster he had faced, he hoped he wouldn't have to fight because he doubted he would even stand a chance.

"Ahhh a demi-god, I've run across a few of your kind in my time, none that could raise the dead though. In fact I don't believe I've met any being that had the power to raise the dead without any sort of ceremony. Do you think you could show me how you do it child, or are you to weak from your earlier excursions?" Nico was about to answer when Toby piped up suddenly.

"What? You knew about these Demi-god things before? Why didn't you tell us about them, they'd be fun to fight! I know Jeff would love a challenge!So would L.J." Nico was pretty sure that Toby would have kept going, but at that point one of Slender man's tentacles snapped out and wrapped around Toby's waist, lifting him into the air making the rest of his words turn into a not at all scared "WEEEEE!"

"Quiet Toby, I'm trying to speak with your new friend." Toby didn't answer, he was too busy giggling as he swung from Slenderman's tentacle. Slender had obviously known what he was doing, because now Toby seemed to be having too much fun to interrupt. Slender then turned his attention back to Nico.

"I could try." Nico said slowly. "It may not go as I want though, it doesn't work sometimes if I'm tired." It worked almost always when Nico was panicking, but he didn't want to mention that. He was pretty sure Slenderman would have no trouble trying to kill Nico if it would yield the results he wanted.

"Please do give it an attempt." Slender man said nodding encouragingly and the static faded. Nico wasn't sure if that meant Slender had decided not to kill him, or just didn't want to distract him. Either way Nico was grateful for the quiet inside his head as he reached into the earth with his powerfeeling for the dead things under him. It wasn't hard to find them, there were plenty of dead under the ground here. Mostly murdered, unsurprisingly around a mansion full of murderers. Nico bit his lip, none of the dead here wanted to answer him.

"You've got a very contrary bunch around here. They're mad, they don't want to do anyone any favors. They're doing their best to ignore me since I don't have an offering." Nico grumbled spreading his fingers, his eyes became unfocused as he ordered the dead to stop ignoring him and answer. There was a slight growl of protest in the earth. It made Hoody stumble but Nico didn't notice, he had found one of the dead willing to answer him. It wasn't human, but he hoped it would be enough. He called again and a small crack opened in the earth, the skeleton of a cat leapt out and the earth closed behind it.

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