Behave deadpool

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You checked on Deadpool a couple of times while working your shift. But, it wasn't until you started feel bad for Deadpool seating on a booth alone and surprisingly behaving himself. On your lunch break, you walked to him and asked " hey, if your hungry there is a free discount for every guest I bring here ", smiling at him when he stood up in excitement. " What in the hay now ", he walked to the front and started to order. You sat down with your own lunch and Deadpool came back with a full tray of food. You wide-eyes his plate " Wow you must be really hungry ", he grabbed a hot dog and ate it faster than you anticipated. " Are you kidding, with a discount that good I had to try everything on the menu ", he said as he ate. You couldn't help but, smirk at his ridiculous personality. It seemed fit to have him in your day to day to keep yourself staying busy and, well hey, he still needed to pay for your window after all. When you finished eating and threw away your trash you went back to him " I have a a few hours to work and then we can do something else if you want ". He nodded and continued to eat the rest of his plate. He was gonna make your life a weird and crazy adventure and, you weren't sure if you were ready for such a ride. When your time was done working you went over to where he sat playing on his phone. He looked up and said, " Are we ready to go now, I feel nauseous", you chuckled at him " well, you did have an enormous lunch and been seating here for hours so, I guess we can just go for a walk to let it go down ". He smiled back through his mask and said cheerfully " okay ". You both walked out and felt the chill of the night as you tucked your hands inside your pockets. Deadpool looked like he didn't feel anything at all. " Sorry for a boring day at my work ", feeling a little shy about it for some reason. " pssh, it's a job, and nothing is more important than the job", he said karate chopping the air as if practicing. You felt out of place but, you wanted to know what he did. " And what exactly do you do superhero?", he swiftly looked back and said " okay first, never say I'm a hero because that is a code and it's a lie second, it's a secret and now that we're acquainted, wanna go out with me?" You froze and felt those butterflies in your stomach again.

Deadpool x reader (Editing Chapters) [COMPLETED] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon