Deadpools pov

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I woke up and touched my head getting glimpses of what I had on my mind which was  ( y/n )? I can just imagine her getting... Wait what the heck! Why am I on the floor? I looked behind me and saw a needle stuck to my gorgeous butt. I took it out and got up trying to remember what the hell happened. Ok first I was with ( y/n )... FRANCIS. That two timing bag of fleas! He took her away from me and now I have to get her back. Oh! She left her shoe behind man she is so cute. Whoa, I need to find her first. I went out the apartment and closed the door behind me and rushed down the hall. Alright so, if I were an ugly tall muscular person where would I take her. I would take her to my place but, I don't know if she is ready to see it yet. Obviously a secret lair! I bet they already killed her shut up you don't know that voice in my head. They can't kill her she is the cutest thing in this whole world. I don't know ask Francis, wouldn't he know if he would you think I can save her before that happens. I ran outside the apartment complex door looking left and right they could have left us a note if they wanted us to find her yeah that would have been so much easier but, these bad guys are pros and so, they didn't. I ran everywhere you know why they didn't leave us a note because they wanted us to look like idiots why would they do that to us? Then, I saw ( y/n ) another shoe next to a sewer drainage and whiffed the smell almost making me gag. Poor ( y/n )they took her down in the sewer. Francis and his men are going to pay once I show my face to him. I think we should unalive them alright let's go!

Sorry I am not good at being deadpool. 😜

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