Date deadpool

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It was 7:00pm and you started to get dressed to go out with Deadpool tonight. There is no turning back now especially since Deadpool has been scrolling through my phone for the past hour to pick a place. You looked at yourself in the mirror and called out to Deadpool " have you picked a place yet on where we are going "? " How do you feel about seafood and Mexican (you pick the ethnic food)", he replied back out loud. Smiling in the mirror you turned off your lights in the room and walked in on Deadpool. He looked up from your phone with the white parts of his mask widening and said " you look... Amazing ". You chuckled softly " I love seafood and love to eat (your favorite food), let's go", and gave back your phone. " Aren't you gonna change into something too ", you asked looking at his suit up and down. He shook his head " I wear this all the time so, I don't lose it ", as he took your hand to the doorway. You grabbed the keys to lock the door and your car and went down the elevator to the parking lot. " I can drive us there, y/n " Deadpool called to you and you turned to face him nervously with an eyebrow raised. " I didn't know you can drive " you said with the keys in your hand and surprised look on your face." There are a lot of things you don't know about me yet, but you will soon find out during our date " he said walking to the passenger side and opened the door for you. You walked to the car door and smiled as you got in. He went around to the other side and got in with the keys jingling in his hand to turn the car on. He pulled out and drove off into the street and you immediately put your seatbelt on praying that this wasn't gonna be a mistake.The light turned red and he stopped the car as he looked at you trying to not be so nervous for what he was about to do. He started, " y/n, I want to show you something before, we go out on this date " you looked at him again and said, " what is it you want to show me, Deadpool ", he breathed in and quickly started to taking off his mask as he looked down. You saw his burned scars on the side of his face as you stared in shock but, knew that this was a very hard thing for him to do to show someone. You had the heart to reach over and caress his cheek and face him toward you. His eyes looking into yours and said " you don't like me now that I look like this, don't you ", shaking your head no and said " I still like you ". He smiled unbelievably and saw him look down at your lips as you did at his and then, kissed him tenderly. You continued on your way to the date and went to (seafood restraunt you like). As you and deadpool were eating you thought to yourself how he was finally opening up to you and maybe, just maybe he is the exact thing you needed in you life.

Deadpool x reader (Editing Chapters) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now