III. artworks & cuddle time

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(I swear she cute asf)


Two Months Later

"ZAYNIE POOOO",ochuko's voice spooked the now blonde haired boy making him drop his paint brush on his caramel brown colored carpet.

"fuck",he mumbled going to pick it up.

"hey, boo bear",ochuko's ecstatic voice filled his art room making him smile he was always happy to see his best friend.

"so your just going to break in to my apartment",he smirked going back to his painting, ochuko loved to come over and watch him paint while asking a thousand random questions, but he was okay with it because she was beautiful and fun to have around since zayn didn't really have anyone else.

"uhhh, yeah",she responded sweetly,grabbing his extra chair rolling it over towards him sitting in it placing her legs in his lap.

he lightly laughed shaking his head at her, but continued to paint.

"i like the way the colors blend together it creates this cozy like feel its like their hugging each other in a sense wrapped into each other's embrace",she smiled, he loved when she smiled it was like her smiles made his sadness go away which was a hard thing to do for zayn.

he simply nodded at her response she was really intelligent and loved art,but she hid those sorts of things from people; well most people.

it made zayn happy to know she felt comfortable enough to act like herself around him.

"why are there no B batteries, like there's A,C, D, there's even E batteries but no B like what's so bad about B, B cool asf like B might be a chill ass motherfucker, but you'd never known cause they don't have any" she outbursted partly joking, but also partly serious.

her giggles throwing away all seriousness in her question.

he laughed, once again simply shrugged.

she always asks questions like that and since zayn hadn't known how to answer her questions he simply said nothing or laughed at how silly her and her questions were.

continuing to paint as ochuko's bare feet rubbing against his member;forcing zayn to stop painting clear his throat and move around in his seat every few minutes.

ochuko only laughed as she saw the effect she had on him from barely even touching him.

zayn could feel ochuko's eyes on him studying him like it was her job though she couldn't help,but stare at the attractive male.

"your so pretty z",ochuko smiled sitting up in the chair to rub his prickly face which made her giggle from the weird feeling it gave her soft hands.

"thank you,koko",he smiled back a soft sparkle in his hazel brown eyes when his met ochuko's.

she smiled back"you welcome,cutie."

they both just sat there staring at each other for a while until zayn's cat ahpa came into the room meowing so sweetly the pairs attention got lost in the cat's cute gestures; their smiles never leaving their faces.

ahpa walked over to zayn's leg purring as she rubbed her fur against their legs.

"she's so cute",ochuko giggled.

picking up the black cat with beautiful hazel brown eyes just like zayn's.

ahpa laid in ochuko's lap purring lightly as ochuko petted her.

the trio didn't stay quiet for long because ochuko became bored meaning she was about to become annoying.

she gently placed ahpa on the ground towards the door so the sweet kitten wouldn't see how annoying ochuko could really be moving her feet from his lap she spat out the first question to come to her mouth, because she of course never thought about the things she said before she said them.

"zayn,you measure your dick",she laughed scooting closer towards him as he basically died coughing at her majorly awkward and inappropriate question.

her smile still on her face she planted her elbows on zayn's chair arm smiling wildly.

"koko why the hell would i measure my penis",he laughed.

"cause most all guys do, so what's yo size cutie pies",she smiled sweetly winking at the awkwardly laughing zayn.

"9.8", he sighed smiling sheepishly knowing whether he answered or not she was bond to find out any ways.

"ZAAAAAAAMMMMM ZADDY, someone's packing that good shit",she laughed winking at him once more.

"God,koko do you have to be so nasty",he mumbled shaking his head.

"uh,let me think—",she paused resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"HELL YES, nasty is a way of life my nigga",she yelled/spoke giggling afterwards.

zayn laughed not really noticing koko's intense stare until he opened his eyes.

"what's wrong, babe",he questioned turning his head to the side.

she had the weirdest expression on her face zayn has never seen her studying something the way she's been studying him.

his smirk fading away fast as he studied her studying him.

"why are you all alone zaynie",koko frowned at the thought of zayn being left by himself, but he was: as far as ochuko knew zayn had no family or friends besides her which saddened her whenever she thought of it.

"can we cuddle",zayn blinked completely changing the subject in a blink of an eye with no sort of expression on his face.

as though God had made a special request for zayn, ochuko hopped up like she'd completely forgotten about what she'd very recently asked him.

she could tell it was a sensitive subject for him so for now she'd leave it alone for now.

she squealed grabbing zayn's hand leading him to his bedroom as he let her guide him to his own bedroom.

she busted open his bedroom door throwing them both onto the comfy mattress.

giggling like the little kids they wished they still were without a care in the world zayn pulled ochuko into his warm embrace loving the feel of her body on his.

she smiled as she comfortably laid on his chest just happy that she finally had someone she could hold close,listen to their heart beat, conversant about anything with, just happy to have someone like zayn.

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