XI. lonely ass & WHO TF IS YOU

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^^jackson lewis idk his real name n shit


"I don't know koko, but i don't wanna lose you,"he said.

"you're not going to lose me i just need you to get help,"she said beginning to exit the car.

"wait don't leave,"he said grabbing her arm.

"zayn let go of me,"she sighed like he annoyed her, as if he angered her so badly, like he caused her all this pain (which he had)'though oddly zayn couldn't understand that.

"i'm not leaving z i'd never leave you, but you do need help and i will be staying at mimi's until your better,"she stated feeling like more of a mother rather than a girlfriend.

"you don't have to treat me like a child,"he said angrily.

she looked shocked "look zayn i'm trying to help you, but if you can't understand that than i don't know what to tell you,"she said getting out the car.

though this time he didn't stop her.


*6 Months Later*

"she's not coming back,"he mumbled for the hundredth time as he sat in front of the turned off tv.

"who says that z,"her beautiful voice rang through his ears as he rushed turning all around to find her standing at the door smiling every so perfectly.

he rushed up to her pulling her into the tightest of hugs.

"i missed you so much baby,"he laughed.

"i'm not yo baby get off me mane,"her once gentle voice turned into a deep masculine one.

zayn opened his eyes to find he was hugging the pizza man.

"nigga is you done cause i gotta go,"he said.

he quickly got off him "i'm so sorry i thought you were someone else,"i apologized.

"yeah okay man just take this pizza,"he said handing it to him quickly leaving and closing the door behind him.

pizza still in hand zayn sank to the ground heavy tears falling down his face.

"i miss her,"he once again mumbled to himself.

his visions of her and flashbacks to his past constantly filled his brain since ochuko left.
he curled up into a ball as he continued to tears thinking of how disappointed ochuko must be since he hadn't gotten help like she wanted.

i'd done what ochuko asked me to, but she wouldn't answer my calls i went by the shop and she was never there.

she'd ran away from me, she really hated me.

i laid there for a couple of hours finally getting up and deciding to push my ego and stubbornness aside and go seek ochuko.

i grabbed my coat, car keys, and that box of pizza because i know how much koko likes pizza.

the whole car ride i could stop thinking about her, my head pounding as she raced through my mind.

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