VII. two weeks & loving attacks

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THE two hadn't talked in almost two weeks zayn had closed himself inside his apartment too afraid to face ochuko figuring she'd be mad at him since he'd kicked her— twice.

ochuko had barely said two words those two weeks too many questions racing through her mind she could stop thinking about how frightened zayn looked by her words it hurt to know she'd scared him so bad that's he'd ran off and hadn't talked to her.

"coco, just go talk to him,"miko sighed tired of seeing her mop around like she was half dead.

ochuko simply pulled her blanket over her closed eyes.

"i'm serious coco go talk to him i'm sure he wants to see you he's just too scared you know how shy zayn is so him coming to you isn't even a option, you both miss each other just go talk to him i'm tired of your depressing ass killing my vibe,"miko groaned pulling the blanket from over ochuko.

"bitch i know all these things, but we both know i hate being the bigger person,"ochuko whinned clearing her throat and covering her face with her hands since the room light was too bright.

"i know that, but you both like each other so it shouldn't matter, zayn has to have a good reason or explanation for the way he acted so go and let him explain cause i love you, but you getting on my fucking nerves crying and if i hear that another tornado flew around your room i'm gonna lose my shit,"miko snickered.

ochuko thought miko's words over still hating that she had to be the bigger person or she'd  lose one of the best things— people in her life.

she groaned sliding a multi-emotion hand down her face.

"mhm, bitch get up,"miko said know that he plan to get ochuko out the house so her and zerõ could fuck was working.

"i hate you, you know that,"ochuko growled as she pushed her blankets off her and turning to face her door since that's where miko was headed.

"yeah,yeah kiss my ass,"miko smiled hoping up from ochuko's bed.

ochuko giggled and it hurt slightly seeing as she hadn't talked, much less laughed in almost two weeks.

"i don't have time to do all that right now miko,"ochuko snickered trying to hide the sadness still viable in her heart and face.

"well when you do call me,"miko smiled walking out the room.

"you got it mommy,"ochuko joked hearing miko's giggles from down stairs.

"shut up and go get your boyfriend," miko laugh— yelled.


"zayn please open the door, babe,"ochuko begged as she knocked on his door.

she had been standing there for almost fifteen minutes and she was staring to get annoyed her knuckles hurt from all the knocking and he throat was sore from having to yell at zayn to open the door and for his neighbors to burn in hell for telling her to leave of shut up.

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