Chapter 2

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Hello hello.  Just a little warning: I do change P.O.V.s as I introduce more characters to the story but I do try making it really obvious. Tell me if it's hard to follow~

Prepare for War
POV Rina

It has been a week and my wounds have almost fully healed, thanks to Michelle.

Orthion has declared war with the neighboring land of Hiratana.  Master Law and the Masters of the other headquarters of Orthion have begun preparations for war.  I have been told by Master Law to make my own preparations for I will be participating in the first attack if need be. 

I put on my same outfit like always. It was very practical yet unique because it was
made and worn by my mother before me. The top was a sleeveless, black vest and well fitted to my body.  The shorts were also well fitted just above the knees to allow complete movement.  I wore and pack light. You see, Orthion doesn't have seasons, just one type of weather - warm.  And when you are in combat with the enemy, being agile and mobile is necessary. I picked up my sheathed short blade and tucked it into my belt.

 I have been summoned to Master Law's office.

As I near my destination, I faintly hear muffled screams of pleasure.  I purposely make my footsteps louder and halt at the door to his office.  The noises stop with notice to someone standing outside the door. I wait and then a young, pretty girl walks out shameless, smiling mischievously. She looks up for a split second looking annoyed that I've interrupted her 'business.'

"Come in my dear Rina." A voice I know all too well comes from the room.

"Master Law," I say again indifferently despite seeing what just happened.

"Your training days are now over!" he says gleefully.  "Finally, the beginning of Orthion's reign will start today! You will be sent to help headquarter 3 with the attack on Hiratana.  You will follow commands of your leading officers. Now leave," he shooed me away with a hand.

"Yes Master Law."

Border of Hiratana and Orthion
POV Orthion Captain

"Captain Sarah! We are being cornered by the Hiratana soldiers!" an Orthion soldier said with worry.

"Remain calm soldier." Damn whoever leading the Hiratana regimen is pretty damn good, Sarah thought to herself.  She too could not remain calm in the situation they were in.

"Captain Sarah? if I am correct?" Sarah heard an unfamiliar voice behind her.

Sarah turned to see a stunning woman.  She had blue eyes and long straight orange hair.  She dressed in a well fitted black vest. She looked only 20... maybe 21?

"Who're you?" Sarah asked.

"Rina. I am here to help."

Sarah gawked.  Here, one woman -barely equipped- was standing before her offering help.  "I was expecting more... (Sarah looked Rina up and down)... man power."

"Sorry to disappoint but I guess it's just me at your disposal." Rina said.  She took no offense to Sarah's comment.

"We're cornered, the best option is to retreat.  Seems like the Hiratana know what they're doing. Headquarters 3 is nearly surrounded." Sarah said. 

"Captain, how outnumbered are we?" Rina asked while looking about, there were only 30 Orthion soldiers left.

"I'd say they got a good 20 to 50 more than us."

Rina thought for a moment. "We can take them.  There are more reinforcements on the way but I think we can hold our ground until then."

Sarah was surprised at her confidence.  There better be reinforcements SOON or we're all dead meat Sarah thought.  "Fine.  Soldiers! Wield your swords and prepare for the worst!"

POV Rina

Soon there were clashes of blades.  Rina sliced the jugular of one Hiratana soldier and hit another unconscious with the butt of her sword.  She looked around.  Hiratana soldiers use katanas and have very good swordsmanship - better than Orthion's men but not as good as her.  Rina could tell the battle was now a little more even and they could hold on until backup.  She looked around for her captain and spotted Sarah and a differently dressed Hiratana soldier approaching each other for a fight.

Rina had a bad feeling so made her way across the battlefield towards Sarah, taking down any Hiratana soldier in her way. 

POV Sarah

"Damnit!" Sarah swore as she lost balance dodging the katana's swing and fell to the floor.  Sarah was staring in horror at the Hiratana soldier standing above her.  He must be the commander.  He wore a cloak covering most of his body but she could tell he had a fairly small stature.  His swordsmanship was unlike any other though.  Sarah knew she was going to die, she was good but not that good. She closed her eyes, awaiting the finishing strike.

The Hiratana commander raised his katana and struck down towards Sarah.  

Sarah heard a clash and opened her eyes to see that Rina had stopped the commander's sword with hers.  Rina parried the commander's sword and stepped back to create some distance - the katana sword was dangerously long and sharp. 

Sarah saw Rina and the Hiratana commander duke it out.  She was amazed at the quickness and finesse of Hiratana's commander with the sword but what amazed her more was Rina's skill.  Rina was undoubtedly great.  However, both seemed to be evenly matched.

POV Rina

This is rough...I'm getting tired. I stepped back to create distance for me catch my breath. I've never had this much trouble in a fight!  This guy is the best ever fought. 

A little distracted with my thoughts, the Hiratana commander took the opening.  The commander took a swing at my throat.  Luckily I was able to reflexivley take a step back, the sword missing my neck by a hairs length. What I didn't expect was the sloped hill behind me. Next thing I can feel is my foot losing balance and feeling a falling sensation.  If I'm going down, he's coming with me. I manage to grab the hem of the commanders cloak and pull him down with me.

Once the tumbling stopped, I felt throbbing pain everywhere.  I reluctantly forced myself on to my feet. I shielded my eyes from the blinding sun and let my eyes refocus. Then my eyes were immediately on the commander.  I watched the Hiratana commander begin to rise from the fall a few metres away from me.  However, the cloak was no longer on the the enemy's commander.  I was brain wheeling with the surprise of what I was seeing before me.  For what was standing in front of me was not a man - but a woman.

Denying Love for the Enemy (Lesbian)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora