Chapter 15

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Reconciliation and Purpose

POV Michelle

The fight with Sarah last night deprived me of any sleep.  It's already early evening and I've been lying in my tent like a sloth, praying for sleep that won't come.  What did she mean by 'there are others who care for me?'  I highly doubt she's talking about herself.... she's never been that caring for someone...and plus, sacrificing myself for no bloodshed is something I believe in.  I firmly stand for my actions and I don't give a damn what Sarah thinks!!!

"Argghh!" I scream outloud but not too loud. 

And all of this happens tomorrow.  I peer outside to see soldiers rushing to prepare, others pacing nervously, and the majority, including I, sitting around sluggishly - expecting impending death.

Everything is so screwed up, I don't know if there's any sanity around here anymore!

Damn this! If I'm going to die tomorrow then why waste the time I have left thinking about it?  A bath.  A bath is what I need to spend my last evening.  I finally get up from my stomach, straighten my wrinkled clothes, and tie my hair up. 

I walk out of my tent and head away from camp towards a nice stream I came across when I was looking around for medicinal herbs.  I don't think anyone knows of its whereabouts so I can at least spoil myself this evening in privacy. 

I hurry to the stream before it gets too dark.

It's Not so Secret

POV Sarah

I finish hauling the last of the crates.  It all ends tomorrow.  I look up to see that it's already early evening and there's nothing left to do but wait.  As captain, I feel obligated to stay strong despite the obvious gloominess that has overtaken the entire camp.  I don't completely agree with Master Eros' plan of attack but patriotism and sacrifice is what makes a soldier....right?

I wonder where Michelle is.  I haven't spoken to her since I caught her snooping around last night.  She could have been killed for treason - holding suspicion towards Master Eros.  However, what angers me is that she has no remorse for her actions! And I can't believe that I said those words to her before walking away – so lame!

But, despite all this, I do see her point of view.  Her actions are treasonous but at the same time, selfless.  God! Why did she have to be SO disciplined yet rebellious....logical yet contradictory!!.... I just don't freaking understand her!

I decide to take a walk out of camp grounds.  There's nothing else to prepare and I'm pretty restless.  Usually in these situations I'd go for mind blowing sex, but I'm just not in the mood.  Maybe this is a phase I'm going through.  Nah, who am I kidding?....truthfully, I've been off my game for a while.   

"Why?! Damnit!!"  I throw my canteen in sudden frustration.   I see it fly past some bushes, somewhere behind.  "Damnit!" I yell again.

I trudge through the thicket and spot my canteen down a little slope.  As I pick it up, I hear running water.  A stream? I never knew.  I become excited at my discovery.

I walk towards the sound of running water and then I see.....someone bathing?!

I quickly duck where I'm standing, now hidden by a rock and some bushes.  Who in the world is that?  I could hear my conscience screaming at me to just turn back and tip toe away but this situation is way too enticing to pass on.  I look up from the rock to get a closer look.  I can see that it's a woman.  She's facing the other way, not allowing me to identify her so I observe what I can from the back.  She has luscious wavy brown hair running down almost to her hips.  And... Oh. My. God.  I never knew a back could be so sexy!  I stare at her smooth shoulders and trace all the way down the lean curve of her spine.   

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