Khushi's Engagement: Part 2

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Khushi snatched her hand out of Shyam-ji's grasp and ran to the front door, ignoring the startled cries of her Bua-ji and sister.

Thank you Devi Maiyaa, thank you for giving me reprieve.

Khushi wiped her tears on the back of her hand and slid the lock back, expecting to find a neighbor on the threshold. Her heart stopped as she took in the man standing before her. He'd shed his jacket and tie since she'd last seen him, and now looked crumpled and worn, the top two buttons of his light blue shirt undone and his hair in uncharacteristic disarray.

Her heart sang to see her most desperate desire brought to life in the most unexpected of ways. Her tears returned, running thick and fast down her cheeks as he watched her, concern and bewilderment vying for supremacy in his features.

"Khushi ..."

She threw herself at him, her arms locking around his neck as she wept. She clung to him desperately, not caring why he was here, not caring that his arms hung limp at his sides, not caring that he'd stilled beneath her hold.

Devi Maiyaa had sent him to her, and that was all that mattered.

"Khushi! Who is it at the door?"

Footsteps approached them. Khushi heard the shocked gasps of her family behind her but didn't let go, didn't turn around.

"Devi Maiyaa, Devi Maiyyaa, Devi Maiyaa," she chanted against Arnav-ji's waistcoat.

Arnav-ji, Arnav-ji, Arnav-ji, her heart pounded.

"Khushi!" came Bua-ji's voice, sharpened by rage and shock, "What are you doing?"

"Khushi!" cried Amma,

"Khushi ..." implored Jiji.

Khushi only held him tighter. She knew what would happen if she let go.

"Khushi," came his voice, a low and gentle rumble she felt in his chest as much as heard.

She lifted her head.

"What's happening, Khushi?"

She opened her mouth to explain but was forestalled by Bua-ji.

"I'm sorry for Khushi's mad behavior," she gushed, her tone deferential and polite, "I apologize on her behalf. She's overwhelmed, what with her father's sudden illness and her engagement."

Arnav-ji's heart stuttered. Khushi heard it as she held him. She felt the sudden tension in his body and the way his breath stalled. Her heart dared to hope.


"Yes, yes," Bua-ji said, "we were just celebrating her engagement to Shyam-babua. He's inside with Shashi at the moment, but when he comes ..."

Bua-ji trailed off, as if just now realizing how odd the scene was.

"But babua, what are you doing here?"

Ignoring Bua-ji, Arnav-ji reached down and gently held up Khushi's left hand. He took in the bandage he'd tied there. She shook, her grip on him loosening as she realised what she was asking of him.

You mean nothing to him, she reminded herself, he wouldn't save you, even if he could.

"Did he put a ring on you?" he asked in a low tone that only Khushi could hear.

Startled, Khushi stammered a reply, "N-no."

"What do you want?"

You, she wanted to say, but his cruel words from last night and this morning didn't let her. Khushi's fingers tightened involuntarily on his waistcoat. She closed her eyes.

"Okay," he whispered, turning to Bua-ji.

"Khushi can't get engaged," he announced, his arm finally coming up to wrap around her.

There was a beat of stunned silence, and then everyone started speaking at once.

"What's this nonsense?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let go of Khushi."

In the confusion, Khushi felt Arnav-ji push something into her palm. She looked down to see that he'd given her a white gold ring with a single diamond embedded into it.

Why does he have a diamond ring? Is it Lavanya-ji's engagement ring?

"Wear it," he murmured.

"No," she protested, "It's not mine."

"Trust me."

She didn't know how Arnav-ji thought he could fix this with a diamond ring, but her trust in him was absolute. She could face anything if he was by her side. Khushi complied, sliding the band into the ring finger of her right hand.

"Khushi can't get engaged," Arnav-ji's quiet voice silenced her family's protests, "because she's already engaged to me. Show them, Khushi."

Again, Khushi felt a curious untethering. Surely he'd said something else and her confused mind had replaced reality with fantasy. Replaced his actual words with her desperate wishes.

Arnav-ji squeezed her shoulder to spur her into action, and Khushi trembled as she raised her hand to show her family. He held her closer as Amma approached them.

"What's going on Khushi?"

"I asked her to marry me earlier," Arnav-ji spoke for her, the lies coming to him as easily as breathing, "We were planning on formally asking permission tomorrow, but I came here tonight to talk to you."

"This ... this is nonsense," seethed Bua-ji, "This isn't how things are done. Shame, that you proposed to our daughter without seeking our permission. Shame, that she accepted without asking her father. Shame, that you thought you could buy our approval with your money and your power and your airs. How dare you. What do you think? We're so poor, so desperate, that we won't hold you accountable for your deeds? Devyani-ji and Anjali-ji have only ever been kind to us, you should be ashamed to call yourself a grandson, a brother."

Khushi closed her eyes in anticipation of his fury. He wouldn't stand for such insults, she knew, not when he was innocent of the crimes he stood accused of.

Why is he lying to them? For me ...?

But he stood still and silent under the furious gaze of her family, the tightening of his hand at her shoulder the only indication that he'd heard Bua-ji at all.

"Khushi, is this true?" asked Amma.

Khushi nodded.

"Is this why you have that bandage? You pretended to hurt yourself to stall the engagement?"

Startled by the accusation, Khushi glanced at Arnav-ji, and seeing him nod slightly, nodded at her mother again. She didn't see the hand that flew towards her until Arnav-ji reached out to halt its progress.

"No," he growled at Amma, "Don't make that mistake. Especially not in my presence."

Khushi sagged against him in relief, watching as Amma paled. The silence that followed was only broken by Jiji's soft sobs.

"Bua-ji, what's taking so long ..." Shyam-ji froze in the archway of the kitchen.

Shorts: An IPKKND CollectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz