Nainital Reimagined: Part 3

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She dozed fitfully, waking many times to check on him. He'd fallen asleep, finally, his head lolling at an uncomfortable looking angle as he sprawled on the chair. It seemed unfair that she had two blankets while he shivered in the cool night air.

He'll get sick again, she agonized.

Khushi slid off the bed as silently as she could and gathered up one of the blankets. She tucked it around him, making sure he was covered and there were no gaps for the icy air to sneak through. He was unguarded in his sleep, seeming relaxed and content in a way she'd never seen in his waking moments. Unbidden, the memory of his laughter came to mind.

His smile transformed him, she knew, but his laughter ...

Somehow, slowly, her own happiness had gotten hopelessly tangled with his. His smile made her smile; his laughter strummed something deep inside her.

What's happening to me, Devi Maiyya?

Whatever it was, it had to do with the slumbering man in front of her. She wanted to take care of him, to know him and comfort him and talk to him in every second of the day. He infuriated her sometimes, and his anger terrified her, but she wanted to be there for him every time he needed a friend. She wanted to be a part of his life.

It was easy to admit this now, in this tiny room outside of Delhi where no one could disturb them. Khushi knew that these thoughts would bury themselves deep inside at dawn. She reached across, intending to brush his hair from his forehead, but froze when his eyes blinked open.

They stared at each other for several seconds, his curious gaze taking in her hand – still hovering above his head – before raking down her form. Belatedly, Khushi realised that she'd left her dupatta on the bed.

She gasped, her hands automatically wrapping around her waist and chest, and the sound broke him out of his trance. He quickly averted his gaze, staring at the blank wall next to them and allowing Khushi to rush back to the bed to retrieve her dupatta.

"Arnav-ji?" her voice was a hesitant whisper.

She watched as he moved his arms slightly and looked down in confusion at the blanket.

"Why did you give me a blanket?" his voice was a low growl, tinged with anger and ... something else.

"You were cold ..."

"I don't want it," he crumpled it up and threw it onto the bed, "You keep it."

"But ..."

"Shut up, Khushi. Just go to sleep."

"Arnav-ji ..."

"I told you to go to sleep. Didn't you understand?"

Khushi jumped at his raised voice, the furious edge in his tone sending a lick of fear running through her. She felt his glare as she climbed into the bed, settling herself down amongst her two unwanted blankets.

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