Chapter 3

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When Kalen had seen the human start to run across the counter, he had acted almost instantaneously. He hadn't given it a second thought before reaching over and easily scooping the small creature up into his grasp. 

Kalen couldn't help but marvel at the feeling of holding an entire life in a single hand. He could feel her tiny heart beating frantically against his skin, her small panicked breaths blowing against his knuckle. It was like holding a living breathing doll.

Kalen ignored the human's struggles as he lifted her up nearer to his face, unable to keep the slight grin off his face as he took in the sight of the tiny being. The bangs of her hair fell across her face, her panic filled eyes peeking through. Kalen had seen the pictures in textbooks, he knew that humans looked just the same as Amasisians but for their size, but it was strange seeing it for real and up close.

"So you're a human?" Kalen asked, a smirk on his face.

He didn't notice the human flinch at his words, his mind was preoccupied with being awed by just how tiny she was, Kalen could feel her minuscule fingertips brushing against the inside of his fist. He wondered how small she actually was, he didn't think she could be more than four inches tall.


Piper tried not to think about how high up above the ground she was being suspended right now, forcing herself not to look down. She had never considered herself to be someone that was afraid of heights, she enjoyed riding roller coasters as much as the next person and hadn't had a problem standing on the Sears Tower observation deck when she was nine. However, there was something about being so high up in the air with only a giant hand to rely on for support that instilled sudden acrophobia in her. She stopped her squirming, if she did manage to get free, it would only result in her falling to her death.

God, she could not believe this was happening. How the hell was this happening? She would have been convinced this was just some horribly vivid nightmare were it not for the painful grip around her body. There was no denying that this was reality, but Piper had no idea how or why. Giants were supposed to be the stuff of fairy tales and myths. Of all of the things out in the world that Piper had been worried about, giants had been nowhere on that list, until now that is.

Piper flinched as the giant spoke suddenly, his voice was so thunderous, it made her ears ache. After recovering from the loud noise, Piper tried to process what the giant had just said. Had he just asked if she was a human? The way he had said it hinted that he wasn't familiar with humans, which meant what exactly?

Piper forced herself to lift her head and meet the giant's massive gaze. The way he stared down at her like that made her feel like a toy or something. She tried not to feel intimidated, she hated feeling weak more than anything, but it was hard not to feel intimidated when she was currently trapped in the hand of a gigantic person.

Piper gulped, trying to calm her nerves before she spoke. "I-I'm human." She choked out, the words nearly getting stuck in her throat. 

"Toughen up, if you act all scared it's only going to encourage him." Piper thought to herself angrily.

"What are you?" Piper demanded, mustering up all the courage she had.

The giant's eyes widened slightly at her sudden outburst, but the look of surprise quickly shifted into a sly smirk. "I'm an Amasisian, but I bet you have no idea what that means." He said with a chuckle, as though amused by her ignorance. 

Amasisian? What the hell was that? Piper didn't know what to think. 

"Somehow you wound up in another dimension, little human." The giant told her, a wide grin on his lips.

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