Chapter 34

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There was a definite air of awkwardness as Devon and Celia Bradford rejoined the table, Kalen could tell the tension between he and Piper was palpable. The amount of different emotions he had undergone in past hour alone was unbelievable, and frankly exhausting. The fear of being discovered by the council, the shock when he saw Piper with the Bradfords, and the continuous guilt bearing down on him left him feeling as though he had run an emotional marathon. 

Kalen glanced down at Piper, who now sat in a little doll's chair the Marquess had placed there for her. Piper had made certain to position it so that its back faced towards where he sat prior to sitting down. Having her ire wasn't anything new to Kalen. 

"I assure you I don't want to pry on personal matters," the Marchioness began, attention focused on Piper, "but I need to know whether or not you trust Kalen before we proceed." Kalen swallowed hard. As much as he wanted to defend himself, and to prove himself to be trustworthy, he had a feeling he was very much not a part of this decision. 

Piper sat pondering, and seeing as she was turned away from him, Kalen couldn't try to gauge her expression for what she was thinking. Judging by their last conversation, it seemed very likely she would proclaim him to be 'lying motherfucker' or something of the like and he'd be swiftly kicked out. 

After several long moments Piper spoke up. "I don't trust him." She stated, the predicted response still stinging at Kalen. "But from what I've heard, he's already broken too many of your council's rules to go back. I trust him to look out for himself." The words were no less scorn-filled, but at the very least it meant she didn't despise him so much that she refused to have him around at all. "I'm assuming the reason you're asking is because you've got some kind of plan in mind?" Piper questioned.

The Marchioness nodded in confirmation. "Devon and I were talking upstairs, and we think there might be a way we can get you back home." Kalen could tell even from behind that Piper instantly went rigid. He imagined the Bradfords had informed her of the implausibility of her being able to return to her dimension, the single way for her to get back belonging to the Sovereign Council and all. But the looks on the faces of the Marquess and Marchioness seemed to show a belief that perhaps the possibility didn't have to be entirely abandoned.

"I have a few friends in the SSD that are sympathetic to humans, I believe it may be possible to convince them to aid us." Devon explained. "With their help it would be possible to sneak you into the laboratory." 

As it was with most Sovereign associated things, the Sovereign Science Laboratory was highly secured, complete with the most advanced security system money could buy and a team of well trained guards that were constantly roaming the halls. The council, especially under Rothgard, took the security of government intelligence and secrets very seriously. Getting Piper inside would have to be an inside job, seeing as visitors were very rarely accepted inside and even then, were closely watched by the guards and cameras. 

"I don't know enough about the laboratory to definitively say that it is possible, but I think it's worth it to try." The Marquess announced. 

"This is a risk of course, as it would require us to tell others of your presence, and there is always the possibility that they will go to Lord Rothgard with the information." Celia reminded Piper seriously. "Regardless, the decision is yours." 

Kalen didn't like the sound of this plan in the slightest. It was undeniably risky, and its success would rest in the hands of several government employees of whom may or may not choose to betray them to Rothgard. Besides that, Kalen didn't see the point in it. Now that he knew the council's plans for Earth, he questioned whether it would be best to send Piper back at all. It all depended on how long it took to adjust the inter-dimensional transporter, but once Amasisians could maintain their size when being transported to Earth, the plan was to take over the dimension. Would it not be safer for Piper here? So long as she was kept hidden from anyone else's notice, Kalen imagined Piper would be better off than back on Earth when the Amasisians took control of it. 

His thought process was disrupted when he heard Piper begin to speak again. "Is this the only chance I have at getting back?" She asked quietly, her voice doleful, yet steady. 

"Most likely." Devon answered softly.

Piper gave a firm nod, "Then let's do it."  Kalen had to wonder whether or not the Marquess and Marchioness had told her about what the council had in store for her home. Surely if she knew, she wouldn't want to go back. 

Kalen opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the hard look Celia threw his way. It seemed as though the Marchioness knew exactly what was going through Kalen's head, and the look on her face was telling him that he had better not voice it. Kalen shut his mouth. 

"We need to get in contact with Devon's friends then, and Kalen, I have something I could use your help with." Celia announced as she rose to her feet. "I'll be back in just a moment." She told Piper as she made her way out the room, her husband close behind. 

Hurriedly, Kalen pushed back his chair and stood up to follow after the couple. Once up the stairs, Celia led them into the dining room. She closed the door quietly behind them. "You were about to tell Piper about what you heard at the meeting." Celia said as a statement rather than a question. Kalen gave an uncertain nod of confirmation, that caused Celia and Devon to share a brief yet meaningful look. 

 "It doesn't make sense to send her back to her dimension when the council plans to take it over any day now." Kalen told them, arms crossed firmly over his chest. "Even with it being as easy as it would with Amasisans at their true size, it's still bound to be war." Kalen found it doubtful that the humans would go down without a fight, something that would only result in their own bloodshed. 

Devon was shaking his head. "We don't know when or if that will happen, there is still time to change the council's decision." He insisted, ever the optimist. 

"Even if we cannot convince the other council members to change their minds, Piper should be with her friends and family, I'm certain she wouldn't want to leave them behind." Celia added mournfully. 

"There hasn't been a specific decision made on how exactly the humans will be treated once the Earth Dimension has been seized though. Given it can be done swiftly and as peacefully as possible, the humans may or may not be left to their own devices." The hopefulness in Devon's voice was something Kalen wished he could have, but after what he had heard at that council meeting, he had lost the trust and belief in the council that he had once possessed. 

Celia sighed sadly. "As much as I hate having to keep it from her, I feel telling Piper this would only serve to hurt her." She murmured. "She would be constantly fearing something she has no power to prevent." 

Kalen couldn't ignore the truth in the Marchioness' words. Knowing the fate of her world would only cause Piper more pain, something that Kalen had already inflicted on her too much. If nothing else, this could be the time he prevented it instead. 

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