Chapter 53

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The video displaying live footage from the dining room showed the man, whom Piper had surmised was one of Rothgard's guards, now laying unconscious on the floor. Piper's eyes were still wide from having just witnessed Kalen get in a legitimate physical fight with beefier man and win. 

Kalen had always had the arrogant 'I have people to fight for me' vibe about him, so the fact that he had actually come out on top was an honest shock to Piper. She would have to make sure to give him props someday, if she could ever get away from Lord Asshole that is. 

Piper's elation at Kalen's victory fizzled out as quickly as it'd come when she realized that now Rothgard knew where Kalen's loyalties really lied. She winced as Rothgard's hard edged glare shot towards her. There was something inherently intimidating about any giant placing their full attention on you, but when that giant's gaze was radiating hatred and was enough to make Piper wish she could just blink out of existence altogether. 

"So it seems the truth is finally revealed." He murmured so low that anyone that didn't have tiny sensitive ears might not have heard. "You managed to beguile the son of nobility into helping you." He continued, the calmness of his voice having the exact opposite effect. "It would seem humans are even more dangerous than I gave them credit for." 

Piper hadn't even realized she'd been steadily walking backwards until her back hit the wall of glass behind her.  

"And now he's stooped as low as to betray not only me but the entire council by allying himself with the Pervicacious." Rothgard's gaze flicked back to the screen. The people dressed in matching black uniforms were quickly being overrun by the invading group.

So that was Kalen's plan? Getting help from this group of rebels--the Pervicacious? From the way Celia and Devon had talked about them, it had seemed like they were some kind of radical extremists. Piper realized suddenly that this was much more than just a rescue mission. She had somehow got herself caught up in the middle of another civilization's revolution. She could not believe just a week ago she had been arguing with Naomi about going to a see a movie. 

"It seems your prince charming thinks he's going to come rescue you." Rothgard purred, pulling Piper's attention back to the screen. A security camera of a familiar hallway showed Kalen jogging through. The formal jacket he'd been wearing earlier was missing, likely abandoned on the floor somewhere. 

Summoning the shreds of courage she had left, Piper took a step forward. "It looks to me like your goose is cooked, dude." She commented. Rothgard's nostrils flared in anger but he remained silent as Piper continued. "Why don't you just give up, let me go, and make things easier for everyone?" 

Piper wasn't sure what response she expected to get out of Rothgard, but laughter hadn't been anywhere on the list. And it wasn't one of his smug chuckles, no this was a deranged howl of laughter that pierced through her like a needle. When it finally died down, his twisted smile shifted so sharply, Piper found herself stumbling backwards. "If you, the Pervicacious, or Kalen Stenton believe I will easily submit to defeat, then I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to prove you wrong." Rothgard snarled, this voice dripping acid.

Before Piper knew what was happening, her cage had been opened and a giant hand was reaching in after her. Massive fingers snagged the hem of her dress, dragging her towards the cage's opening. An involuntary shriek tore through Piper's throat as the hand wrapped around her body and pulled her into the air with more violent force than she'd ever experienced. Her heart was in her throat as she was lifted up in front of Rothgard's billboard face. "And if I'm to fall..." He began, his warm breath washing over Piper, "well then make no mistake; you'll be falling with me." 


Unfortunately, Kalen's previous experiences in the Rothgard Mansion hadn't granted him with enough knowledge to be able to seamlessly navigate to Rothgard's office. He knew the general direction of where the room was located, but the mansion was huge and filled with countless offshoots and doors that could lead anywhere. 

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