Chapter 10

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Kalen couldn't help but to feel anxious as his call with Lord Rothgard was connected through. He wasn't sure exactly what the cause of the feeling was, perhaps it was the fact that he was presenting information to the single most powerful man in Amasis, or maybe it had to do with the topic of the discussion they would be having. Kalen took in a steadying breath as the call connected.

"Stenton the younger, I have to say, I was surprised by your call. My secretary told me that you have some important information for me." The strong baritone voice of Lord Rothgard said, his voice hinted with both curiosity as well as slight annoyance.

"Yes sir." Kalen replied, his formal business etiquette kicking in.

"And this information relates to inter-dimensional matters?" Rothgard asked, equally as formal.

"That is correct sir." Kalen responded, beginning to subconsciously pace around his room aimlessly, likely as a result of the nerves he was experiencing.  Kalen didn't need to look toward Piper to know that she would be experiencing similar, if not more significant nerves.

"It seems unusual for you to have any information in regards to inter-dimensional matters, Mr. Stenton. However I will certainly hear what you have to say, my respect for your parents extends to you." Rothgard told him calmly.

The fact that Lord Rothgard only had any respect for him because his of parents left an unsettled feeling in Kalen, but it wasn't something he was altogether unaccustomed to. Having the Baron and Baroness for parents often altered the way people treated you. 

Kalen knew this was now when he'd have to tell Lord Rothgard about the fact that he was currently harboring a human in his bedroom. He took in a deep breath, trying to align his thoughts so that he would able to explain the situation as best as possible. He refused to even glance at Piper.

"Sir, I understand that this may be somewhat...difficult to believe, however I assure you it is true. I don't know how it happened--" 

"Get to the point please Stenton." The slightly impatient voice of Lord Rothgard cut in.

Kalen swallowed hard. "Sorry sir. It's--well sir, it's a human."

Silence. Kalen could tell Rothgard was digesting the information, likely his first reaction was to instantly deem Kalen a liar. Last week, Kalen would have called anyone who told him that there was inexplicably a human in Amasis a liar as well.

Finally, "Mr. Stenton, are you telling me that you have seen a human here, in Amasis?" Rothgard asked equably, though it was clear that he was incredulous. 

"Yes sir, I...I know it's difficult to believe--"

"Difficult to believe?! Stenton, it is impossible for there to be a human in this realm, it's just not something that can happen without the knowledge of our scientists, and I assure you, they did not bring a human here." Rothgard interrupted.

Kalen hadn't expected Rothgard to believe him right off the bat, he knew it would be a tough pill to swallow without blatant proof. "I don't know how they came to be here, I know only that they inexplicably appeared in my home." Kalen told him, wondering how much convincing this would take.

"Mr. Stenton, this is a very serious claim that you are making. If what you are saying is true, then we have a situation at hand." Rothgard warned. "The only possible means of a inter-dimensional transportation belongs to the government, and if a human was brought here, it would have to have been through our machine." 

"Is it possible that somehow the machine accidentally transported a human here? A glitch or something?" Kalen asked uncertainly. It seemed to be the only explanation.

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