Chapter 29

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With little other choice, Piper had chosen to tentatively trust the Bradfords. Of course she would still keep her guard up and maintain a close eye on the two giants. For the time being she didn't have anywhere else to go.

After introducing herself, taken note of Piper's apparent filthiness and had offered to launder her clothes while she bathed. Unwilling to be touched by anymore giant hands, Piper had declined the offer. However when Celia brought out a small ceramic bowl filled with soap and warm water, Piper had given in. 

The giants had left the room, taking the lunch Celia had been preparing with them. On her way out Celia promised to get her something to eat after Piper washed up. The warm suds of the bath had felt heavenly on her aching body, and she felt a pound lighter after all of the sweat and grime had been washed away. 

Once she had finished, Celia returned with her clothes all freshly washed once again. It was as she was clearing away the bowl that she took notice of the long scratch on Piper's forearm. "You're injured!" Celia exclaimed, leaning in slightly closer while still keeping a respectful distance. 

Piper glanced self consciously at her wounded arm, moving her left hand over it to conceal it. "It's not a big deal, just a scratch." Piper insisted. She wasn't looking for pity from these giants, though she would be lying if she were to say it wasn't a refreshing change from what she had received in the past. 

"Regardless, you should have it looked at, to ensure it doesn't become infected." Celia told her in a slightly stern tone. "Would you allow Devon to take a look at it? I'm afraid my hands aren't near steady enough for the task." Red flags instantly began to pop up in Piper's head. Now that someone seemed to actually be giving her the choice, she was very adamant about not being touched by any more giant hands. That being said, the last thing she needed was to get an infection on top of everything else.

Seeming to catch Piper's hesitation, Celia gave a gentle smile. "I understand your reluctance. Of course we'll not force it upon you, but I would urge that you at least allow Devon to look at it." She said.

Piper took in a long breath before giving a short nod. "I guess a look couldn't hurt..." She trailed off nervously. 

"I'll go fetch Devon." Celia told her politely before heading out of the kitchen. A couple minutes later Devon appeared, a small tote box balanced on one hand while the other held some sort of device. 

With a bright grin on his face, Devon placed the box and the device down on the counter a few feet away from Piper. "Pardon me if I appear a bit overeager, I've just always wanted the chance to have a closer look at a human." He explained as he began to pull various items out of the box. 

Piper eyed the items nervously. "You're just looking at my arm, nothing else." She reminded him sharply. 

Devon stopped what he was doing and focused his attention onto Piper. "I'm sorry, I realize I must come off as a bit...creepy to you." He apologized, a tinge of embarrassment in his voice. Piper, unsure of how to respond, opted for silence, prompting Devon to go on. "I don't mean to make you feel like some kind of specimen." He told her with sincerity. 

Piper fiddled with the hem of her shirt uncomfortably. "Just don't do any poking or prodding, ok?" She asked, glancing up into his large eyes looking down on her from above. 

Devon nodded vigorously. "Of course, and I promise not to touch you without your permission." He assured her. Piper released a long breath. As much as she hated being scrutinized, especially by a giant, she would just have to grit her teeth and put up with it, something she had become very used to doing lately. 

"Alright, go ahead." Piper said, holding her right arm out towards Devon. She watched as he picked up one of the objects he had taken out earlier: a large magnifying glass. Now that did not help with her feeling of smallness, she had to be looked at through a magnifying glass to be properly seen. Piper swallowed down the discomfort and held her arm still as Devon began to look closely at it through the glass. 

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