Chapter 37

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That night, Piper slept the best she had in awhile. While the giant world around her was still incredibly disconcerting, at least this time she hadn't had to spend the night stowed away in a drawer with no blankets or pillow. 

She now sat in the doll's chair on the kitchen table, having just eaten breakfast with the Bradfords. She was dressed in the soft white night gown Celia had given her last night, which, despite being a far cry from what she would normally wear to bed, had proven quite comfortable. 

As Devon busied himself with clearing up the dishes from the table, Celia sat at the table looking at a hologram that was projected in front of her. A moment of tapping on various parts of the hologram later and video began to be displayed on it. Piper didn't have to be from Amasis to know that what she was seeing was a newscast of some kind. A slim brunette wearing a Victorian-esque blazer sat behind a desk, her hands folded primly in front of her as she spoke. "There have been recent reports of activity from the insurgent group 'The Pervicacious' in the Ordelle District." The woman stated. "When asked for comment, Duke Mangnussen assured us that these reports are being thoroughly investigated both by the Ordelle and Sovereign authorities." A quote from the apparent duke appeared on the screen. "All Amasisians are reminded that they are to report any all information they may have on The Pervicacious to the authorities." 

Piper raised a questioning eyebrow at Celia, who wore a somber look on her face. "Unfortunately, democracy is not something Amasis has ever truly known." Celia sighed. "And there are some who see revolution as the only path to true freedom." 

From what Piper had heard, Amasis' government seemed much more akin to an oligarchy than anything, so it wasn't altogether surprising that there existed revolutionary groups that sought to do away with it. "You think they're going about it the wrong way?" She asked. 

"I have to believe there is a way to change that doesn't involve bloodshed." Celia stated solemnly. Piper remained silent. From everything she had read in history books, it seemed very rare that a tyrannical government willingly gave up its powers. Then again that was Earth, maybe Amasis could be different. 

It wasn't until Devon came rushing back into the room that Piper even realized he had left at all. "I just had a call with Jed, he got the shift tonight." He announced, instantly filling Piper with an anxious excitement. By tomorrow morning, she could be home.


Kalen wished he could have been relieved when he got the call from Devon Bradford telling him that they would be putting their plan into action tonight. But knowing everything that he did, it just wasn't possible. 

Kalen had no real involvement with this plan besides keeping his mouth shut, so he had no reason to return to Bradford Manor. However, the idea of never seeing Piper again...well there was nothing wrong with wanting to say goodbye, was there? 

After his parents left to go to some party thrown by a local wealthy businesswoman, Kalen quickly ate dinner before heading out. Despite a slightly suspicious raise of the eyebrows, Natali showed no other signs of not believing him when he had told her he was going to visit a friend. 

Unwilling to risk being spotted outside Bradford Manor and raising suspicion, Kalen messaged Devon in advance to grant him access to transport directly inside. Rothgard had eyes everywhere, and you could never be too careful. 

As he stepped out of the transporter in the foyer of Bradford Manor, Kalen saw that Devon was there waiting for him. "You know, it would likely take someone both deaf and blind to not recognize that you genuinely care about Piper." Kalen's eyes went wide. Not exactly the greeting he had been expecting from the Marquess.

"E-excuse me?" Was all Kalen could say as Devon looked at him with a knowing look in his eyes. 

"I understand that you were practically raised to look down on humans, and that you probably think it silly to care about a creature you were so often told was small and meaningless." Devon went on, clearly being unabashedly forthright. "But I imagine you wouldn't be here if you hadn't begun to see things in a different light." 

Kalen instantly opened his mouth to deny it, but found himself unable to spit out the lie. He had already accepted that he was no longer indifferent to the tiny girl he'd found in his bathroom, but admitting it to someone else felt like a new step entirely. He couldn't help but feel things would be much simpler if he didn't care at all. 

"You don't have to admit anything to me, but I think you owe her some truth." Devon told him, and with that he headed off down the hallway. "We'll be in the sitting room whenever you get your senses back together." He called back before he turned the corner and disappeared. 

Letting out a breath he hadn't noticed he had been holding, Kalen ran a hand tiredly down his face. He had never been good with dealing with feelings, it just hadn't been something that had been prioritized growing up, besides keeping them well concealed from the public that is. He didn't know what telling Piper that he cared about her would do, he doubted it would change anything. Piper would still probably hate him, chances are she'd think he was just lying anyway. And yet, he'd likely never see her again. Would he regret never letting her know that she had almost been a friend to him?

For several long minutes Kalen just stood there thinking. Once he was finally able to get himself together, he made his way to the sitting room. Upon stepping through the doorway, Kalen instantly noticed that Devon and Celia were nowhere to be found. Only Piper was present, sitting in a doll's chair on the coffee table again. "Uh where are Devon and Celia?" Kalen asked uncomfortably.

Piper shrugged. "They said they had to take care of some business stuff." Kalen silently cursed Devon. There was no way his and Celia's disappearance was coincidental. 

"Gotta say, I was kind of surprised when Devon said you were coming." Piper said with the usual dark undertone. 

"Why is that?" Kalen asked as he took a seat on the couch across from her. 

Piper gave a dry laugh. "You've always come across as pretty eager to get rid of me." 

Kalen's instinct was to shoot back a witty retort, but he stifled it. "I may have been before, but..." He started, but found himself struggling to finish the sentence. 

Piper raised her eyebrows. "But?" She pressed with an impatient hand gesture. 

Kalen released a steadying breath. "But you should know that I do...have some kinds of...feelings that cause me to though I might care what happens to you..." He could feel his face reddening slightly.

A glance down at Piper showed that she looked both confused and suspicious. "Are you trying to tell me that about me?"  She asked, leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Yes?" Kalen replied, uncertainty evident in his voice. He wondered if he had ever felt so awkward and bumbling before. He had always considered himself to be fairly eloquent and well spoken, but you would never know that by listening to him now. 

Piper certainly didn't look convinced. "Are you saying this to make yourself feel better?" She asked sharply. "So I'll forgive you so you don't have to feel guilty later?" 

Kalen found himself fish-mouthing like an idiot, unable to think up the right words to defend himself and prove to Piper that he meant what he said. "N-no that's not--" He spluttered but what cut short by the unexpected giggle that came out of Piper. Kalen's eyes widened as he saw that Piper had spontaneously broken into laughter in front of him.

After several moments unrestrained laughing, Piper managed to get her breath back. She looked up at Kalen with no hate or bitterness in her eyes for maybe the first time ever. "As much as I don't want to believe you, I can't imagine you would be acting this awkward if you didn't mean it." She told him. "I guess I'm glad you managed to stop being as much of a shitty person as you were to start with." 

Kalen broke into grin. Seeing Piper smile like that at him had been the tonic for an illness he hadn't known he'd had. He knew this didn't mean she forgave him for everything he'd done, and it wouldn't be fair for him to expect her to. But some of the tension from before was gone, and it was massive weight lifted from his shoulders. 

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