Chapter 6

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Even once she had stepped out into the open, Piper still remained unseen by the giant. She was too small to be noticed when he had his back turned towards her, meaning she would have to call out to him if she intended to grab Kalen's notice anytime soon. 

Piper steeled herself before opening her mouth and calling out to the giant. "I'm here!" She shouted, figuring she'd need to raise her voice in order to be heard from her place on the floor.

In an instant, Kalen's massive form had whipped around and his vast gaze was once again upon her. His eyes widened as he spotted her, clearly he had not expected her to move from the table. Piper couldn't help the feeling of smug complacency she got from her small rebellious act.

Kalen raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "What are you doing down there?" He asked her, a slight tone of suspicion in his voice, though what exactly he was suspicious of, she didn't know.

Piper tried not to focus on the fact that she was literally staring at his ankles when looking straight forward as he took a couple massive steps closer to her, or the fact that said steps quaked the ground beneath her. The more she thought about those things, the more likely she was to lose all her nerve.

"I wasn't just going to sit and wait around for you." She called up to him, having to tilt his head far back to even see his face. She tried to gauge his expression as best as she could from the awkward angle, looking for any signs of anger. She was half expecting him to be mad at her for not staying put like a good little girl, and while such a reaction could possibly result in serious danger for her, she wasn't going to regret her decision, she had no plans to submit to Kalen just because he was (insanely) big. 

Kalen let out a dry chuckle. "So you're either braver than I thought, incredibly daft or both." He said with what was quickly becoming his signature smirk. 

Piper let out a scoff, her eyes narrowing as she glared up at the giant boy. "I'm not 'daft', and I was walking around, not cliff diving." She threw back, arms crossed over her chest.

She held back a gasp when Kalen sprung into motion suddenly, crouching down in front of her. Though she liked the fact that he wasn't so looming this way, and she didn't have to crane her neck, Piper didn't like the way that his proximity seemed closer now.

"Do you realize how dangerous it is for you to be wandering around on your own at that size?" He asked her, as though she were a particularly slow child. "Imagine if my assistant had come into my room and spotted you, or if you hadn't been able to get my attention before I stepped on you, you'd be dead before I had even noticed what had happened." He told her stonily.

Piper's blood ran cold. The image that popped into her head of a car sized foot crushing her with the weight of a building made her feel ill. She had of course considered the danger the giant presented to her, but she hadn't thought of the fact that she could just as easily be killed accidentally. Inattentive giants could be just as deadly as angry ones. 

"You're tiny, there are more ways that you could die or get hurt here then I can count." Kalen told her, and Piper knew he was right. But that didn't stop her from being mad at him for pointing it out.

She took a large step forward, putting herself nearer to Kalen. "First of all, I'm not tiny, you're just-" Piper gestured wildly at his massive form, "-overgrown." She finished vehemently. "And even if everything is giant here, wherever 'here' is, I can take care of myself." She stated fiercely. "I don't need warnings from you." She hissed, jabbing her finger towards him angrily.

There was a moment of silence after Piper finished her rant, both the human and the giant just staring at each other. Then suddenly Kalen smirked humorlessly down at her, and before Piper could even register what was happening, his hand was coming at her. 

Piper let out a fearful yelp at the sudden contact, however the fear quickly morphed to anger as Kalen's hand once again lifted her into the air. 

She began to struggle violently in his grip as he stood up to his full height. " bitch!" She demanded furiously between grunts of effort. The only response she received back from Kalen was a quick glance down at her as he made his way over to the table that stood next to his bed.

Kalen pulled open the heavy drawer of the bedside table with ease. Piper was too busy fighting viciously against the grip surrounding her body to notice when Kalen began to move her towards the open drawer. Too late she realized what was happening, as Kalen dropped her unceremoniously inside the drawer. 

Piper landed on the hard wooden drawer bottom with an angry hiss of pain. She lifted her gaze just in time to see Kalen staring down at her with an unreadable expression on his face. "No you can't." He told her darkly. He then began to slide the drawer shut once again, now with the tiny teen inside. 

"No!" She shouted desperately, but it was too late, the drawer shut with a soft thud and Piper was plunged into darkness.


Kalen could hear angry cursing and banging coming from the drawer, even several minutes after he had closed it. Not that he necessarily blamed her, he couldn't say that he himself would be any less incensed were he in her position. However, he had needed to put her somewhere she couldn't get into any trouble during the night, and also he had felt that he needed to make a point. 

The girl obviously wasn't used to being the size of a doll in comparison to everything else, in her dimension she didn't have to contend with giant people. She clearly didn't recognize how fragile she was, how dangerous even the smallest of things could be to her now. And if she couldn't see that, Kalen would just do it for her. He didn't care if it pissed her off, as long as she was safe, because as much as he hated to admit it, Kalen didn't want to see the human dead. 

Piper's shouting and banging finally came to a stop about fifteen minutes after Kalen had put her in the drawer, leaving the room in a sudden empty silence. 

Kalen lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, finding himself completely unable to sleep. He had too much on his mind, all thoughts about the human he had trapped in his nightstand, and how it was that she had spontaneously appeared in his bathroom

"Of all the crazy things to happen." He muttered to himself.


Piper spent the first fifteen minutes of her imprisonment in the bedside table yelling angrily at her giant captor, who was apparently completely ignoring her, which only proved to make her even more mad. 

What gave him the right to just lock her up in some big ass drawer anyway? She was a person not just some goddamn toy that he could put away when he didn't want to play with it. Yeah he was trying to make a point, she got it. But she didn't care. She didn't care that he was trying to make a point and she didn't care that he was probably right. Piper was too damn stubborn to just admit that she was helpless, and even if she was, she wasn't about to act like it. 

After making baseless demands and yelling angry insults at Kalen for awhile and receiving absolutely no response, Piper finally just gave up, for the time being that is. 

While pacing angrily around the dark space, Piper had encountered several objects. Because of the darkness, identifying what exactly they all were had been difficult, but she was pretty sure there was a pen, a notepad, a couple coins and a ring, all giant sized of course. None of which would really help in an escape attempt.

Meaning she would have to wait to tell Kalen exactly how she felt face to face until later. He would have to let her out eventually, right? And when that time came she was going verbally tear him apart (because that was the only way she could tear him apart).

Resigning herself to just waiting it out, Piper decided she may as well try to get at least some sleep. The events of the last couple hours had been both physically, mentally and emotionally draining, and she really just wanted to escape into sleep where she didn't have to worry about the fact that she was trapped in an alternate dimension world with giants that liked to lock people in drawers.

So despite the lack of blankets or a pillow, Piper managed to fall asleep in a matter of minutes. However her sleep was anything but peaceful, instead filled with ceaseless nightmares that she wouldn't be able to remember in the morning but for the cold feeling they left all over her.

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