I Thought That We Made An Arrangement

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Before all, just a quick Thank You! For reading this book :)

I would like to dedicate the first chapter to my fave APH Philippines OC account on Wattpad Hetalia-Philippines and fanfictionbooks725 Go check em out and follow them just for the heck of it.


The sun slowly ascended from behind the tall skyscrapers of the city of Manila. The pitch black sky turned into a blazing orange and the normal sky blue just peeking from behind. A certain brunette nation sat up on her bed once the bright rays of the sun trickled through her curtains and tickled her eyes. She let out a yawn and blinked the leftover drowsiness away before she finally lifted her eyelids to reveal brown eyes. Her ebony black hair was a mess and she was certain she drooled a lot in her sleep. Getting out of her messy bed she woke up her dog that slept on the bed next to her.

"Bantay, wake up." She cooed. The said Aspin raised his head and barked back happily.

The Republic of the Philippines or Maria Clara Carriedo Dela Cruz if you would call her by her human name, was getting ready for another busy day. Paperwork, trying to figure out how to get her people out of poverty, trying to find solutions to her problems with China, thinking about Mindanao's attempts to gain independence, the terrorist groups in Mindanao, the 'Laglag Bala' problems, finding ways to boost her economy, wondering if she could ask Kiku if he had any new anime that she would like, how would she pay all her debt to other nations, and many more. She was a poor country, but she works hard to become a better country for her people. She was frying some longganisa and some leftover rice from last night when her phone suddenly rang from her room. Bantay bounded out of her bedroom with her phone's charm in between his teeth so he wouldn't destroy the device by either biting too hard or getting his saliva all over it.

"Salamat." She thanked the dog before seeing who was calling her at 5:30 in the morning.


"Hello po kuya America, why are you calling po?" She put in on speakerphone and laid it on the counter and continued cooking their breakfast.

"Yo, Phili! I was just checking if you remember the World Conference next week. And stop saying that 'po' and 'kuya' thing, you're older than me." Philippines giggled. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry, your accent just makes 'po' and 'kuya' sound funny when you say it. And... Of course I remember the conference at..."

"Your place! I was wondering if I could have a vacation there as well? I'm bringing the G8 and I'm pretty sure a few others will join."

"Yes, it would be fine. Would you want me to arrange your trip?"

"I'm sure you've found an amazing place to hold the meeting, you do have a beautiful country after all. There's no need, I've already checked some blogs and Ludwig helped me with some stuff."

"Yes, of course I know nice place for us to hold the meeting. I'll send an email of the information to you later."

"Thanks Phili! See ya!"

"Goodbye America." She called back before he hung up. She gave Bantay a pieces of longganisa and rice and ate some herself.

'That was a close one, how could I forget the meeting next week?!'

When she had finished her morning ritual, she left some food on Bantay's doggy plate, opened the windows (she lived on the top floor of a condominium the personification of Manila owned so somebody would have to pull a Spiderman if they wanted to get in via window), and locked the door before saying goodbye to her friend. She passed by some people and she greeted them with a smile. If there was something she and Spain had in common before he colonized her is that they are both very friendly and they smiled A Lot, unless there's danger then Ma-I (her mother) and China didn't teach her how to fight with or without weapons for nothing. (And Manny Pacquiao is one of her citizens) Since the Malacañang palace wasn't far away, she walked down the busy streets of Manila, the sun's heat would be unbearable to those who are not used to hot temperatures. Squeezing through crowds that gathered around the MRT stations wasn't easy, she was lucky she didn't have to ride one. She had to fix her hair and clothes when she was finally strolling towards her boss' office in order to look presentable. She knocked and walked in when her boss gave her permission to come in.

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