Chapter 5

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This cannot be good. I've never been caught doing something against the rules before. Louis and Zayn were usually very skillful when it came to manipulating me into doing stupid or crazy things. I had to keep my body from nervously shaking at all the scenarios that were springing into my head. Would I be losing my access to the equipment room with the key as my free will? Or would it be worse and I lose my position as team assistant over this-I mean, would I be done being the water boy? I thought maybe I could glorify the name just for the last second of my poor excuse for a career. There was one thing that would be worse than losing my job. I'd be disappointing Coach and possibly losing his trust in me. 

After all, it wouldn't be so bad not having to deal with Zayn and Louis all the time. They would only get to be torturous human beings in the hallways or outside of school, where I never met up with them anyway. 

That's good, Niall. Think positive.

That only lasted for a few seconds as my eyes drifted over to Harry. If this was the end for me, then I wouldn't get to watch him during practices anymore. I wouldn't get to watch just how much he loved the sport or how he would beat himself up over the smallest of mistakes.

I wonder what was racing through his mind as mine finally focused on one thing: him. My eyes ran down his tanned arm, thankfully, he's put his shirt back on, to see his fingers twitching at his sides. His hands would close up and his long fingers would fiddle at his palm or rub across his other fingers. He was just as nervous as I was. 

He didn't have to listen to Louis. The boy could think for himself. He could have taken the higher road and made some comment to Louis about how much of douche bag he was. If not then, he'd probably say it to Louis now if he had to take the fall for the entire team. I bet Louis could use a threat from Harry's deep and stern voice. 

A lot of these things I was thinking, I could have easily told myself to do but with more consequences on my end. Now, I was starting to sound like Savior Liam. 

Once we followed the coach into his office we stopped right in front of his desk. There were two chairs but he never invited us to sit down. He didn't even take his own seat behind his paper-covered desk. Instead, he seemed more like a towering figure. His arms were crossed over his chest as his eyes glowered down towards us. 

My nerves returned at a full time high as I waited to hear his voice shout at us, my body already prepared to flinch when it sounded off like a gun. I hoped my flipping stomach wouldn't break the thick and heavy silence that intrigued it to embarrass me. 

"Now, boys, before you wonder why I only called you two here, I'll tell you." The tone of Coach's voice was particularly calm, which made my face want to contort in question but I kept it straightened out as soon as he spoke up again when his body slightly turned towards my direction.

"Niall, you know you are prohibited to use the school's permitted keys whenever you feel like it. Those are for directed use by faculty only or during practice hours. You've never had a record of being in trouble which is why you were given this opportunity to assist myself and the team." 

I nodded, knowing all too well, remembering the small speech he had first given to me when he handed the few brass keys to me. 

Then he turned back over to Harry. "And you, Styles, are the team captain. I agreed to the team's nomination of you being the captain because I know just how hardworking you are and because I thought you were the one I could trust to lead the team in your prime examples.

"What I saw outside was two people, I have given my trust to, blatantly disobeying my orders. When the team falls, I can only suspect that the leaders takes the hit for it: you two boys."

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