Chapter 50

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"Hold still." My mum repeated as she placed her hand on my shoulder to get me to stop moving them every few seconds. Then she shook her head and chuckle at me as her hand joined her other in fixing my tie.

"I haven't had to tie one of these things since your father was around." She told me, her tone not soft and sad like it used to be when she spoke of the man. "That man could stand so much more still than you." She pointed out with a chuckle.

I glanced down at the simple black tie that once hung around my neck in a mess. I was a little nervous about tonight and my fingers would shakily fumble around with the tie until I just gave up on it. Tonight, I was going to be sitting with the other boys on the team and I would be wearing the same clothes that they did. We'd all look like a proper bunch and it would look like I was just one of the boys. It wasn't exactly how I pictured it but I can't be sad because I had many more things to be proud of. 

"Primary didn't make me wear a tie?" I asked her as my fingers ran over the silk material, my mum swatting my hands away from it so I didn't ruin her lovely work. I looked up to her and waited for her to answer me. 

"Oh, no, they did. You never wanted me to be the one to tie it up for you. You always asked your brother to do it because he was a boy and you thought girls didn't know how to tie one. It was quite funny." Another short chuckle fell from her lips as he walked away from me, dressed in some of her more flashy attire.

She usually only wore these type things for special work parties. When I was younger I had no choice but be her little date. I usually only wanted to go because I thought that meant I got to stay up late but my mum always made sure to leave extra early so I could make it back for my bedtime. 

Tonight was a special night for the both of us. 

"Well, now you had your chance." I told her as she began to brush off the shoulders of my shirt. My mum had already ironed an old dress shirt that used to be my brothers. He had left a few clothing options for me if I ever wanted them. 

"And thank you for that." She said before smiling at me. Then she let out a breath as her eyes glossed over with tears before she pulled me to her for a hug, no longer caring about the neatness of my tie or my shirt. Her hands remained still on my back and she focused more on holding me tightly. I felt like this was my last day of secondary before I had to go off into the world. So, I'd get another hug just like this again. 

I hope that when she saw Harry that she'd give him one, too. 

Speaking of Harry, I wondered how he was doing right now. I knew that his own dad wouldn't be standing in front of him and helping his boy with his tie. He had to work tonight and he wouldn't be around to the banquet until later. I didn't want Mr. Styles to miss out on Harry receiving his award. All the players, even ones who didn't start for the season, received awards. Some of them were just for a joke and the others were more honourable titles to hold. 

When I mentioned that Harry would be going to the banquet alone to my mum, she insisted that we'd go over to Harry's and pick him up. I thought it was a good idea, only because it would be like I was driving Harry somewhere for once, even though it was really my mum. 

"I hate to ruin this moment, mum, but we've got to go get Harry." I told her as I stood there blankly with my arms around her. I really didn't know how long she was planning on hugging me but I had a schedule I wanted to keep to. "I told Harry we'd be at his around half six." I reminded her. 

"Okay, okay, you're right." She shook her head and I felt as her hair glided against my face as she pulled away from me. I couldn't help but reach up and scratch at my face to make that ticklish feeling go away. 

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