Chapter 48

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To: Liam Payne

Hey, just making sure all is good with you. 

-Niall Horan

From: Liam Payne

Yeah, mate. All's fine. Be seeing you at the party? 

I should just drop trying to get Liam to tell me what's bothering him, not that I knew something was even bothering him. The only time I've ever really seen Liam be bothered was with Zayn and Louis. Of course, I knew about his past and I did feel him sort of push at me when I brought it up. I always thought that Liam was comfortable with all of that. He could be open with me and I didn't really understand why he suddenly became distant with me. Could he be bothered by me because of it? 

To: Liam Payne 

Yep. With Harry. Won't be trying that drinking game again though. Save me a hang?

-Niall Horan

From: Liam Payne

Game's a tradition for us lads!  And course. 

To: Liam Payne

Aces! Gotta stop being on my phone now. Mum's shouting for me. 

-Niall Horan

I put my phone down on my bed once I heard my mum calling for me from downstairs. I had just about an hour until Harry was coming by to pick me up so we could go to this end of the season party, which my mum was not too thrilled about the fact I was going to. There were a few reasons why she didn't want me going. The main and obvious point was that she didn't want me getting hurt again. That's turned into something I wasn't concerned about anymore. Before I tried to argue my case with her that I was going to be okay, she told me that she wasn't stupid. She knew very well that there would be alcohol and drugs around and if I had anything to do with either of the things she would give me a proper knock off in the head. 

Then she asked about Harry and if he was going to be there to protect me as he always did. I told her that it wasn't his job to but I was sure he'd do anything he could if he thought somebody was being threatening towards me. I could probably handle myself now but nothing was going to stop Harry from doing things his way sometimes.  

"Are you going to invite the boy inside or is he just going to sit out in his car and wait for you?" My mum asked once she shoveled some vegetables onto her fork. "I do happen to miss when he'd come up to the door and then hang around inside for a bit." She placed the forkful of food into her mouth.

"I could always just message him and tell him to come to the door, Ma." I told her, rolling my eyes at her because it wasn't really that big of a deal to me that Harry chose to wait outside. I didn't know why he didn't walk up to the door and act like his gentleman self towards my mum anymore. The two had gotten off so well. 

She shook her head after she was finished with eating. "No, you don't need to be doing that. I was just curious is all. I'm sure I'll be seeing him at the team banquet next weekend." She said with a smile. I knew that she was excited to go to the rented out hall space but I think she also wanted to see who these boys and their families actually were. She's only heard things of them but never met a single person, besides the ones involved in the bullying mess. I hoped she would learned what I did. They weren't all bad. 

The coach had found me after Harry already told me the news that I would be allowed to the banquet this year. Apparently, it was an honour for him to tell me that I was invited to join them. I didn't really believe him about that but I did take the invite. Then he handed me the official letter to take back to mine with me. 

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