Chapter 34

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I told my mum almost everything about our date, except for the real personal stuff Harry had just shared with me. I would be keeping it all to myself forever because his story was his own to tell and he could tell it to whoever he wanted to. Who was I to be the one to talk about those sorts of things? Nobody.

As I ran my mouth about how Harry and I couldn't even get to where he had set up our date, she laughed at us as she combed her fingers through my hair. I continued feeling comfortable talking about what we ate and that we just spent time looking at the sky and talking.Then she commented that he was probably just nervous about how the might would go because he was going to be with such a great boy. I was the one who had the night with the great boy.

The moment came when I was going to tell her that Harry and I were official boyfriends now. I didn't know if she automatically thought that we were boyfriends because of how closely and often we hung around with each other. I know that I will wait until I tell her about my embarrassing first kiss with him on the field and I will be sure that Harry is in attendance until I tell her about how we kissed in my room that day. He might as well be there so she could swat at him. I mean, that's what I pictured her doing because I know she will be swatting at me. It's only fair if I use my boyfriend as collateral damage. Maybe she won't swat him as hard as she will swat me.

I did tell her that Harry asked me to be his boyfriend. Well, he just announced it to me but I felt like the moment didn't need it to be a question. I already felt like it was some unspoken thing between us that we wanted to be officially exclusive. I didn't exactly need the label because I didn't have my eyes for anyone else but him.

So, instead of declaring that her feelings were in the right place, she asked me if I had said 'yes' to Harry's question and if I didn't she was going flick me in the side of my head, which she did anyway before I could even sputter out my answer.

She said Harry was my first real piece of happiness that she has noticed from me in so long and that I shouldn't be afraid to embrace that after all that has happened. I completely agreed with her and I think that I'm taking everything day by day just the way I was supposed to. I shouldn't rush myself into being this happy positive person now that my main troubles are getting past me. Sure, there's no doubting that I won't have my sad days again but at least they won't be an everyday occurrence.

I had gone to be that night feeling calm, yet blissfully happy. I hoped that Harry had gone to sleep too feeling that exact same way and if he didn't, I sent him a little reminder that he had no reason not to:

To Harry Styles:

Thanks again for tonight. I had such a lovely time with my boyfriend :)

-Niall Horan

From Harry Styles:

Anything for you. I had a pretty lovely time with you as well!

From Harry Styles:

Oh, since you're my boyfriend now do I need to give ya a name? Pumpkin? ;)

To Harry Styles:

Never call me that. Tosser.

-Niall Horan

From Harry Styles:

But that's who you are to my phone.

To Harry Styles:

Yeah, guess what you and your phone now have in common? No hugs. No kisses.

-Niall Horan

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