Chapter 38

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He still hadn't answered me and I could hear the showers running, so maybe the water was blocking my voice out from him. I felt nervous practically sneaking up on Harry as he was showering. 

I was walking into the showers fully clothed. I probably should have left mine behind and wrapped myself in a towel but I wasn't really thinking. All I wanted to do was get to Harry.

I was glad that I hadn't removed my clothes and approached this with a full confident attitude because that would be a lie. Harry's still never seen me without a protective shirt on. That was a still a part of me that I just couldn't bring myself to sharing with him yet. I didn't want him to see the little scars or the rather large bruise on my side from being kicked so much. It wasn't sore anymore so he would have never known that it still existed but it still did. This was one thing that I should probably grow up about and get over soon because if we continue to develop this relationship, I couldn't hide from Harry anymore; not when he would be so easy to read me.

"Babe?" I repeated as I leaned against the wall that blocked out anyone walking past, hoping to catch the sight of him a few showers down. My eyes froze onto the body, water running down his skin like a hard rain running against glass like silk. 

"Hey, you." Harry said as he lifted his head to look over at me, after he flinched. His hair and fallen into his face so he took his head and moved it back. I couldn't help but send him an amused yet nervous smile as I kept myself against the way, keeping my eyes to his face and not the profile of his body.

He stepped away from the water and pointed over to the bench where his towel was placed. All I did was give him a silent gesture of a nod before I walked over to the bench to pick it up for him. I came back, still keeping my eyes above his waist. 

"What brings you here?" He asked as he began to toss the towel around his hair so it would be dripping in his face. Once he was done with that, he wrapped the towel back around his waist, walking past me to peer out to see if anyone else was around. Then he turned back to look to me. "A bit risky coming here and calling out to your 'babe', yeah?" 

I thought his tone was going to be serious as if he wasn't happy. Instead, I was greeted with his teasing amusement. Maybe he thought his charms would lure me in. I can't be that easy. I couldn't be so simple to manipulate again, even if he was my own boyfriend. 

I had to be honest with him though. I had to be honest with myself. 

"Um, I, uh, I thought that maybe I wanted what you were suggesting but," I paused and let out the most steady breath I possibly could, my eyes finally drifting to wear the towel hid the rest of Harry's body from me. 

"But you're not really sure what I meant?" He asked me carefully, lower his head slightly down as he tried his best to study my face as I bit the inside of my cheek lightly and nodded to him. 

"Come here," he told me as he offered his hand out to me. I glanced down to see that his skin was still delicate from the steam of the showers. His fingers began to move like they were impatiently waiting for my own to slide and join through his own. 

I took his hand, still unsure about everything and before he led me over to where he was showering I looked over my shoulder to check to see if it was safe for us to be us. Harry had left the water on, so when he somewhat twirled me I felt the water sink down onto my hair before it began to soak into my clothes.

"Harry," I began, swallowing and blinking rapidly before I brought my fingers of my free hand to wipe at my eyes. I felt myself taking a step back, the water leaving my body. My back pressed against the tiles, the hard surface feeling sharp against me.

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