Chapter 14

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She gave me a long look from her place at the table, folding her hands together and propping them up under her chin, staring at me as if she was never going to see me again. Her lips formed into a straight line, nearing a frown. 

I couldn't help but to raise my brow at her curiously. I knew she was going to say something along the lines of whether or not she was going to let me go back into school tomorrow. My hopes were still set that she was going to but from reading her now, I don't think she has made a set decision. I was all for arguing my case against her again if I needed to. 

"Niall," her voice spoke my name with a huff afterwards. 

"Mum," I repeated delicately, trying to make sure that my tone wasn't awfully demanding at her. 

"I know you think I've been utterly ridiculous by keeping you home. It's all just a mother's worry and it partially has to do with you being my youngest that I just have a stronger need to keep you safe." She started to explain to me, neither of us touching the food on our plates. 

I nodded. If only she really knew what was going on, then I'd probably be locked away in a tower like a pity-poor princess. Unfortunately, there was nobody to rescue me. 

"Mum, I've already told you that football was a little rough for me."

"And I heard what you had to say but , Niall, you're not even on the team so I don't understand how you could be so sore." She raised her one brow at me. "I'm sure your coach is a smart enough man not to put you in, even during practice, because you never had my consent or a physical turned in from your doctor since tryouts."

I wished I could see the look on my face, my jaw slightly hanging open at he surprise of my mother's knowledge about football. I only thought she knew things from what I've told her but apparently she's been keeping this hidden to use as a secret weapon against me. 

I looked down and sighed, my fingers itching at my hand that rested onto the table. This was it. She wasn't going to let me go back and she was going to want me to tell her the truth. I wasn't even ready to begin to tell her about everything. My eyes blinked as my fingernail rubbed back and forth along my knuckle before looking back up to my mother. 

"I feel like there's something you're not telling me and I'm not going to force it out of you. I want you to feel comfortable to come and talk to your own mother, you know."

"I know." I mumbled, still scratching at my hand because I wanted this conversation to take a different turn. "I know."

"I can't keep you from the world, Niall."

And by then, I slightly felt a heated wash of relief spread from my head to my toes. As much as I wanted to smile, I kept my expression still until I heard my desired request be granted from her lips.

"You may go."

Instead of just nodding and digging into my full plate of food, I stood up and hugged my mum. It wasn't just for a simple thank you. It was more for her, letting her know that one day I'll be able to tell her everything and it will end just the same; with the boy in his mother's arms.


I was back, and as I stood on the school grounds, I felt my nerves really start to hit me. Last night, I was ecstatic about just being able to flee from my bedroom but as my head rested on my pillow and the lights went out, my thoughts decided to all bombard me at once with their fears and guilt to haunt me until I physically had to shake them away. Those same thoughts have returned to me as soon as my mother drove off.

I wondered who I was going to have to see first. The only person that I felt somewhat safe in seeing was Liam because there was nothing between us that really needed fixing or confidence. I just sort of wanted him to stick around after Zayn had thrown me down onto Harry's couch but Liam had left with good intentions, at least that's what I chose to believe. Obviously, I did not want to see Louis or Zayn. Those two would probably be on me like a cat looking for it's favorite mouse to torture as soon as they learned of me coming back. Then, as always, there was seeing Harry. I wanted things to go differently between us and that was the guilt that was practically keeping me up all night. How was I going to talk to the one person about my feelings when he was the one that my deepest ones were for? I had to figure it out. That's all I could really do was battle my tongue against my mind. I was already gaining confidence here and there with talking with Liam, and even Harry, more. It wasn't like progress was a shot in the dark for me. 

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