Help: AOE!Crosshairs x Human!Reader

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Requested by @Midgesaurus

"Crosshairs, if you don't get your aft down here right now..."

"Hmm?~ Watcha gon' do?"

"I'm going to cut down the tree and grab the biggest branch I can carry, and beat you with it. Now get down- you look like a Green bat,"

"Lemme think about that...nah I'm fine up here,"

"Crosshairs..." (Y/n) warned with crossed arms.

Currently, Crosshairs hung upside down by his legs on a large branch in this very large oak tree where the Yeager's relocated thanks to Joshua.

(Y/n) practically had to chase her boyfriend- yes you heard me right, boyfriend, around to help her build something very complicated and dangerous- that involved electricity and could potentially end her life. But Crosshairs, just couldn't get the gist of it and just felt playful.

Being the daughter of a Yeager, (Y/n) inherited the interest of machinery and building from her father, Cade Yeager.

And now, with Crosshairs hanging from the large tree, (Y/n) looked around her for something to hurtle at him.

And luckily, she found a decent sized rock she could carry with one hand, and threw it at Crosshairs.


Crosshairs lightly groaned and swayed on the tree branch.

"Aw, com'on sweetcheeks, you gonna leave a dent in me," He complained.

"Good! It should help you realized what danger I could be in!- Oh, you know what? Never mind. I'm just gonna go ask Drift to help me. He'll understand much more then you do,"
(Y/n) then turned around and started to walk away- leaving Crosshairs a bit shocked.

"Eh? You giving up that easy?"

"DRIFT!! HEY DRIFT!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!" (Y/n) shouted- ignoring Crosshairs remark.

"Ay-ay-ay-ay there's no way I'm lettin' him help you!" Crosshairs shouted as he stumbled to get out of the tree- meaning letting his legs unlock and landing on his side which made him groan. "That's gonna leave a mark,"

"DRIIIIFT!!" (Y/n) once again shouted. Drift then appeared from around the (new) house in his alt mode and drove toward (Y/n)- stopping once he was in front of her and turning to his bipedal form.

"Yes? Why are you calling for me?"

"Well, Crosshairs won't take me seriously about this project I'm working on that could kill me so I need your help-"

"NO SHE DOSEN'T! SHE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP YOU CAN LEAVE GOODBYE!-GOOD DAY-SO LONG-TOODLES!!" Crosshairs suddenly shouted as he scooped (Y/n) up in his palm and quickly walked away- leaving a confused Drift behind.

"Well then, look who grew a pair of balls and decided to help me," (Y/n) said smugly as she looked up at Crosshairs.

"I ain't lettin' that smurf help you in anything when you got me," Crosshairs remarked. "Now, do you wanna tell me a bit more of this project of yours,"

"Well, again, from what I told you about a million times since you can't get it through your ass of a processor," (Y/n) started.

"Please just get to the point," The green mech mumbled.

"Well, I could die from this with the amount of electricity that will be emitted through the wires. So, if I mess up on this, there's no second chance as I would be dead,"

"And this won't effect me at all?"

"Nope. You might only feel a bit of tingling and that's about it,"

"So what will I need to do?"

"Guide me and the wires,"

"And where is this project taking place again?"

"The garage,"

"Great," Crosshairs then suddenly turned around and walked a different direction- away from the garage. "Then I know where to keep you away from,"

"Eh?! Crosshairs I need to finish my project!! Turn around and go back!!" (Y/n) shouted- a bit enraged.

"Nope. Can't risk losing ya," Crosshairs said before bringing (Y/n) to his faceplate level and kissing her on the head, then the lips. Leaving (Y/n) a bit flustered.

"Fine," She mumbled in defeat. "I won't work on it- TODAY! I'll work on it another day,"

"No you won't," Crosshairs said as he lightly tightened his grip on his lover. "Cause I got you in my sights,"


"Did you just...make an overwatch reference?" (Y/n) asked with a raised eyebrow.


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