Chapter One: America

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{Please be aware that The Selection is Kiera Cass's work, and that this is just a fan fiction. Also, please be aware that some scenes have been added/deleted/altered to align with the plot of this fanfic. Thanks, and enjoy!}
I wasn't selected.

Really, to any other girl, that's a bad thing. But to me, I couldn't be more grateful to not live with that selfish prince and his overrated family. I was happy here, at home, with my family.

And Aspen.

No one knew about us, yet that was the stunning part of our relationship. Somehow, we survived the judgement of other castes and were able to fall in love.

And no fake prince could get in the middle of that.

Speaking of Aspen, it was almost eight o' clock, meaning that I had to head to the treehouse to talk to him. He was the one who convinced me to send in an application for the Selection just for fun. Thankfully, I wasn't chosen. How would I be chosen, anyway? It's like a one-percent chance. I'd never get in, not even in an alternate universe.

I climbed into the old treehouse.

"Hey," I whispered to Aspen.

He smiled. "Hey, you."

I leaned in and kissed him. I always found comfort in his voice, his kisses, his everything. Like nothing in the world could hurt me if I was with Aspen Leger.

I loved him.

Finally, I pulled away. "I didn't get Selected."

Aspen seemed relieved. "Really? I was for sure you'd make it!"

This made me laugh. "Why? I had like, no chance."

"You had an equal chance as anyone else."

"I swear to you, I'd never make it in, even if I were in an alternate universe, if I were a Two, or if I were the most princess-worthy girl on the planet," I argued.

Aspen kissed my cheek. "You are very princess-worthy. And castes don't matter to the Selection people, they choose randomly. And in an alternate universe, wouldn't you be selected? Hence the whole 'alternate universe' thing?"

I giggled and shook my head. "Thank you. And yes, castes do matter. And in an alternate universe, I still wouldn't be selected. What about the other thousands of girls?"

Aspen rubbed his forehead. "Too much math. Sometimes, I believe it's fate. One of the thirty-five girls that were selected is destined to become Prince Maxon's wife."

"And I was destined to be with you. That's why I wasn't selected, I bet." Before I leaned in to kiss Aspen again, I felt a shiver of coldness.

"What's wrong?" asked Aspen, who clearly noticed my discomfort.

"Um, nothing. Haha," I said, nervously laughing. I continued to kiss Aspen, and the magic and romance began to stir up again, filling the air with love.

Aspen's lips were soft and warm, and I enjoyed every second of the amazing moment. I hooked my arms around his neck, and he hugged my waist. "I love you," I said in between kisses.

"And I love you," he said.

As we kissed and hugged each other, the wood from the treehouse creaked as we moved.

I released from Aspen's grasp. "We need to be more quiet," I said, giggling. "People in Angeles can hear the stupid wood in this treehouse creaking."

Aspen nodded, disappointed. "Yeah, yeah, okay. But I hate this, Mer. I want to be with you all the time, but I can't. We have to keep our relationship a secret."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "This sounds like a Romeo and Juliet story."

Aspen stroked my hair, laughing. "Yeah, but then both of them die at the end. Am I right?"

"I have no clue," I said, smiling at Aspen's adorableness.

Suddenly, all of the laughter was gone. "But seriously, America. I hate keeping this relationship a secret. That means I can only see you from eight to nine at night, and that's all. I hate it so much. Please."

I sighed. "Aspen, I don't know. My mom would probably disown me if she knew I wanted to marry a Six, a caste below me. I really don't care for the system, but, it is what it is."

Aspen looked down. "So that's it?"

I reached for his hand. "We're still going to see each other here. Aspen, I am fully determined to love you and only you for the rest of my life."

"Okay, Mer. I-I trust you will."

I sealed the promise with a hug and a kiss. "I love you Aspen."

"I love you too, America."

That's when we heard my little sister, May, screaming from the living room in my house.

If America Wasn't Selected: A Selection FanficWhere stories live. Discover now