Chapter Fourteen: Maxon

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After Marlee had been sent home, the whole castle had been stomped with negativity. Three other Selected girls had requested to go home, which broke my heart.

I figured I might as well cancel this whole Selection party and send America home, sadly. I was so excited about it too, but with Marlee, and the Rebels attack, I figured it was best for the girls to go home and for me to quickly finish the Selection. I knew who I was going to marry: Celeste.

I knocked on America's door. She opened it, her wavy, fiery red hair tangled and messy.

"Hey," she said. "Come in."

"Gladly." I walked in and sat in the nearest chair. "I think you need to sit down, America."

"Okay," she said, sitting on the edge of her bed. "What's wrong?"

I sighed. "I think I'm going to cancel the Selection-themed party."

"What?" America said. "Why?"

"Why? Six of the girls had died, and Lady Elise is in the hospital. Four other girls had requested to go home, including Lady Marlee. Plus, I don't think it's safe - or sane - to have a party right after all of that," I explained. Was I too harsh on her? I hoped not.

"Oh," America mumbled. "I'm being selfish." She looked down.

"I mean, I can still provide you with the money, and a plane ride ticket home, and -"

"No, it's fine. I'll just take the ticket." America stood up and gathered her things. "Please allow me to pack."

Oh no. Was she crying? "America," I said. "Sit down. I need to talk to you - about one more thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Crying?" I handed her a tissue, and she used it to rub her eyes. "Oh, I am," she laughed through her tears.

"America, why are you crying? Please, tell me," I begged. America lost focus in me and started to pack her toiletries.

"I'm not crying," she said as more tears exited her icy blue eyes.

"America," I insisted.

"Okay, okay!" She exclaimed. "I don't want to go home, alright?"

"Why not? You will be with your family," I said. Why didn't she want to go home? Right here in the castle is the worst place to be right now.

"Because, I don't. My boyfriend is there - I mean, my ex boyfriend. Ugh," she said, rubbing her temples. "And plus, I don't want to go anywhere near a plane right now. Not alone, at least. Why can't I stay here, until things settle down?"

I wasn't sure. "America, it's best that you go home. The castle is not where you want to be right now. I will send a guard, or someone to sit next to you on the plane so you can get home safely."

Tears flowed down her cheeks like water in a waterfall. "I don't know any of the guards. I don't trust anyone."

"Anyone?" I questioned.

"Anyone but you."

Whoa. "America, I'm not sure if you actually do trust me. I'm just the Prince, and we've hardly been associated with each other. Plus, with my job as the only living member of the royal family in Illéa, I need to stay here," I explained. I kept my tears inside of me as I recalled the death of my parents.


Oh no. Did I anger her? Or make her more sad? "Not that I don't like you, or anything. I like you. I mean, I don't like like you, obviously, but I like a friend. Even though we've, um, hardly been associated with, um, each other." Oh goodness. I am so stupid. I am the stupidest prince ever. I probably hurt America so bad. Maybe she had a little crush on me... I am the prince...the stupidest prince ever.

"It's okay," America said, laughing. "I just wanted to, um, be escorted by the prince. I like you too."

Did she mean "like", as in like like? Or just like? This girl is driving me insane. But I kind of like it. "Maybe, just maybe, I can work things  out, and pull some strings. But I can't promise anything. I'll let you know tomorrow," I agreed.

America smiled, her dimples showing, and her fiery red hair glowing in the light. Her icy blue eyes glimmered with happiness and hope as she answered, "Okay."

"Oh, and what did you have to tell me, um, before we saw Marlee?" I asked, goosebumps forming on my arm as I recalled the memories of Marlee.

America turned around from her suitcase and smiled, her grin going from ear to ear. "I'll tell you on the plane."

If America Wasn't Selected: A Selection FanficWhere stories live. Discover now