Chapter Twenty-Four: America

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I was in my room when May turned on the Report.

I walked downstairs, and asked, "Why are they showing the Report now? Today isn't its regular day of filming."

May shrugged as fear glimmered in her eyes.

I sat down next to her and listened to Gavril speak.

"I understand that this isn't our usual time for the Report, but this is urgent news, about the king."

My thoughts immediately went to King Clarkson, but then I remembered that he was dead, and Maxon had replaced him.

Maxon. My heart dropped.

"During another Rebels attack, King Maxon was shot. Not only did he need to have emergency surgery to remove the bullet lodged in his arm, but because of that, he also suffered from hypovolemic shock, where there is extreme blood loss in his body."

May gasped. "What?"

I wanted to pretend that it was all going to be okay, but I knew I couldn't. This was reality. I forced myself to keep listening.

"The doctors have tried everything they could," Gavril continued. I didn't like how he was using past tense. "But," he said, "the possibility of our king dying is very great."

My stomach was in knots. I blinked, not believing a word that Gavril had said. This can't be true! I thought. I had just seen Maxon yesterday. Yesterday he was fine. But today - today, he was closer to death than ever, and approaching it more and more.

"Let us all have a moment of silence and hope for King Maxon to get well soon," said Gavril.

No, I thought. I didn't want to sit around in my emotions, hoping for someone to stay alive. I stood up and rushed upstairs, grabbing all my savings. Everything I had earned in my entire life.

"America, where are you going?" May asked once I was downstairs. Ignoring her, I opened the door and shut it. I drove to the nearest airport, and once I had arrived, I waited.

Waited for a ticket, waited for security, waited for my plane. But I would not sit around and hope for Maxon to live. I waited so I could see him. I waited so I could take action. I waited so I wouldn't have to hope. Hoping didn't work.

The plane ride took forever. The whole time I thought about Maxon, our kiss, his near death. I couldn't sleep, eat, or talk on that flight. I waited.

Then, I finally thought, What am I doing? I had just told Maxon that I hated him, but now I am spending my life savings to see him, when he could already be dead?

He's not dead, I told myself. He couldn't be.

The plane jolted me forward, bringing me back to the kiss with Maxon. But now, I had no one to comfort me, to make me feel safe.

The plane had landed, and I was one of the first to leave. I rushed through the maze of an airport and made my way to the castle.

It looked awful.

Windows were cracked, and pieces of glass were hidden in the grassy fields. The gloomy dark clouds veiled over it, giving the castle a sad, devastating feeling.

Then the rain came. I stood there, in the pouring rain, thinking about Maxon, when he was right in the castle, dead or alive.

I rushed inside.

"Whoa, whoa, who are you?" asked one of the guards.

I didn't think this part out, I said to myself. "Look, I need to see Maxon," I said.

The guard scoffed. "Yeah, but you can't."

I looked down. My clothes were soaked, and my damp hair smelled. "I just used my entire life savings to fly across Illéa to see Maxon. I spent five hours riding on a plane, thinking about Maxon. I have no one left. I look like crap. I have hit rock bottom, so let me see Maxon," I peacefully argued.

The guard shook his head. "Sorry, I can't. Why don't you just go home?"

My eyes flared with anger, and I took a step forward. "Listen to me. I am in love with Maxon. I need to see him. I –" I began to cry, choking on my tears. "I did not fly all the way over here to get told to go home!!"

Celeste walked up, her black, silky hair wrapped in a bun. Her pale cheeks were covered pink blush, and she batted her long eyelashes. "Hello, America," she said.

I wiped my tears and didn't say anything.

Celeste perked her lips. "I heard you're in love with my husband."

All of the anger inside of me - it had been building up to this moment. I sped past the guard and Celeste, my wrath and fury fueling my every move.

"Security!" called the guard as he ran after me.

I continued to run. I knew I looked like an idiot. I knew I was probably going to get arrested. I knew that Maxon was probably dead.

I turned the corner to the hospital wing, where I entered Maxon's room.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

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