Chapter Two: America

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For a split second, I thought that May had seen Aspen and me.

Aspen touched my hand. "You should probably go and see what's wrong with her."

"Yeah, okay," I groaned, annoyed with my sister, but also scared that she might have seen me together with Aspen. "I'll see you later," I told him, planting a kiss on his cheek. I crawled out of the treehouse and rushed into the living room.


My heart began to beat again once I found out she was watching the Report, and got very excited.

She whipped her head around. "Yeah, America?"

I rolled my eyes. "Never mind." As I glanced at the clock, I realized that it was too late to go back to Aspen. Having nothing else better to do, I plopped down in a chair and watched the Report with May.

"Can you believe it?" May, my little sister, squealed. "It's the Report!"

"No, really?" I sarcastically said, angry that May took away my time with Aspen. "Ugh, May, turn something else on."

"No way!"

I glared at the screen as Prince Maxon made his way onto the stage. "Hello, Illéa!" he exclaimed, waving his hand as the live crowd when crazy.

Prince Maxon, I had to admit, was a pretty attractive guy. He had short, blonde hair, and the most chocolatey brown eyes. He was also muscular, very muscular. And of course, the guy was a prince. But he was his own kind of handsome, not like Aspen.

Gavril Fadaye, the reporter, smiled, and gestured for Maxon to sit down in the chair next to his.

"Hello, Prince Maxon! How are you?" Gavril spoke in a cheesy, TV reporter-like voice. He smiled, revealing his shiny, white teeth, and the dimples on his tan skin.

Maxon grinned back. "I'm doing great, Gavril. And you?"

Gavril chuckled. "Oh, Maxon, tonight is all about you! But, if you are curious, I am a bit hungry. Care to buy me some food after this?" He said, stirring up laughter and applause from the audience in front of him.

Maxon laughed along, but didn't say anything. He seemed... Awkward. In a good way, I guess.

Gavril continued the conversation. "So, what's new? Heard that there are thirty-five girls living in the castle. Care to explain?"

Maxon smiled. "Yes. We are beginning another Selection, and all of our beautiful nominees are here with us tonight. I will personally introduce them to you, so you can have the chance to meet your future princess of Illéa!"

Great. Now the guy's gonna read off of a stupid list.

Maxon began reading. All I heard was: "Marlee Tames, blah blah, Celeste Newsome, blah, Kriss Ambers, blah blah blah..." I began to doze off.

"America!" May scolded. "Don't fall asleep! Keep watching, please!"

I yawned. "Alright," I agreed. I studied the characters. That Celeste Newsome looked like a real competitor... And very rude. Glad I don't have to be with her, I thought.

The Marlee girl, on the other hand, looked so happy and nice, that I kind of envied not being there, sitting in the background while Gavril and Maxon were chattering on.

Finally, the last name on the list. "Dakota

Dakota looked very princess-like. She had bleach blonde hair, and sparkling green eyes. Her makeup was done very well, and her hair was pulled back in a white headband. She was very tan, and had a gorgeous light-pink dress. Not to mention, her last name was Valentine.

Maxon's smile grew as Dakota stood up, bowed, and then sat back down.

"Wow! I hope she's our next princess!" May squealed, pointing at Dakota on the screen. "What about you, America?"

"I really don't know. Or care," I said.

May rolled her eyes. "C'mon, America. You've got to be at least a little bit excited about the Selection. It's huge!"

"Fine, May. I'm a little excited," I lied.

May smiled, satisfied with herself, and sat back down. We continued to watch the Report.

"Maxon, these ladies seem wonderful. You're very lucky! I can hardly get one girl to go out with me!" More laughter erupted from the audience. Once it died down, Gavril continued. "So, how do you feel?"

Maxon gulped. "Well, I'm nervous, but also extremely excited." What a generic answer, I thought.

"I bet." Gavril glimpsed at the watch on his wrist. "Well, I think this is all we have time for, tonight. I'll see you all next week, to give you the latest juice on The Selection. But for now, gooooooodbye, Illéa!"

Cheerful music began to play as Maxon and Gavril stood up and waved. The thirty-five selectees stayed in their chairs, hands folded in their lap, as if it were an order.

May turned the TV off. "Wow!" she squealed. "That was great! The dresses were stunning, the makeup was gorgeous, and don't even get me started on how HOT Prince Maxon is-"

"MAY!" I hollered. "For goodness sakes, calm down!"

"Ugh, what's your problem? Are you upset that you didn't get selected? Get over it!" When I didn't reply, May marched upstairs, leaving me all alone in the living room.

Was I upset that I didn't get selected?

No, of course not. I was happy here, with my family and Aspen.


Um, yeah.


If America Wasn't Selected: A Selection FanficWhere stories live. Discover now